
Because of a technical problem, the KickSat CubeSat may not be able to deploy its cargo of tiny “Sprite” satellites, Project Manager Zac Manchester, KD2BHC, announced on May 3. The Sprites, each about the size of a small cracker, would be the smallest satellites ever to orbit Earth. Manchester said an unexpected reset of KickSat’s master clock may mean that the CubeSat won’t be able to release …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

More Ham Radio CubeSats Expected to Deploy from ISS This Week:
Another batch of CubeSats were deployed at noon on February 25 from the International Space Station. While no Amateur Radio satellites were among them, NASA has indicated, "More deployments are scheduled through Friday." NASA said this week that 

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ham amateur radio – Google News

Ham radio CubeSats to deploy Thursday
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
On Thursday, January 9 at 1807 UT an Antares rocket launched the Cygnus freighter carrying a cargo of CubeSats to the International Space Station. Since then the CubeSats have been stored on the ISS awaiting deployment by the Japanese Kibo Robot 

ham amateur radio – Google News

Ham radio CubeSats to deploy Thursday
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
On Thursday, January 9 at 1807 UT an Antares rocket launched the Cygnus freighter carrying a cargo of CubeSats to the International Space Station. Since then the CubeSats have been stored on the ISS awaiting deployment by the Japanese Kibo Robot 

ham amateur radio – Google News

OUR COMPANY PSK TECHNOLOGIES is academy of advance hardware & network technology. This academy covers IT related general topics. First time in Nagpur (india)…