
This is my RTTY beacon project. A pic 16f648 is running @ 4hmz. This feeds a Radiometrix NTX2. A station Ident is sent 2 times followed by data received from…
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Dominican Republic amateur radio station in RTTY on 10 meters january 6th 2013.

Monitoring KJ6KO’s 2 meter beacon (CM88ws) with my Flex 1500 and Elecraft XV144 transverter. The receiving antenna at grid square CM98iq was an Arrow OSJ 146…

Este Beacon esta na faixa de 10 metros. Responderei a todos os cartões qsl recebidos. Mais detalhes entre na pagina e procure por PY4MAB.
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“WLO” CW Beacon – 8420/8421? khz ~530 UTC.
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Probando la transmisión de RTTY con un Arduino Mega y FLDigi. Realmente estoy transmitiendo ASCII7 en lugar de Baudot real. Queda pendiente escribir una func…
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This video is an update to my previous video on the WDØAKX 10 meter beacon on 28.2235 Mhz. Click here for my ham radio page:…