Signal of KP4AO from Arecibo (Portorico) reflected by the Moon on April, 18 2010 and received in North-East Italy. Our equipment was: Yaesu FT-817 and 10 elements Yagi. KP4AO equipment was about 400 Watts output and the famous 305 mt dish antenna of the Arecibo observatory. Mode: digital JT65.
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Way cool! Sounds like JT65C.
…yep same tune as in Encounter of the 3rd kind
~best my ears recall
dude, i’ve heard that before, how can you cay it’s reflected by the moon? i have a kp4 transmitter and in 4.31 i’ve listen to it a few times before, and i live in puerto rico next to arecibo, next to the observatory
You can tell if it’s reflected from the Moon by measuring delay. JT65 signal must start at equal minute. If your clock is synchronized (e.g. using NTP), and signal starts at hh:mm:02s (I believe it’s between 2.4s and 2.7s), it is reflected from the Moon.
Another thing: signal is in 70cm band and it’s impossible to receive it over logn (global) distances directly, only by using satellites including Moon.
have you use a preamp for this EME experiment????
No preamplifier was used for this test, only the receiver and the ten elements Yagi.
JT65 signals do not start exactly at the top of the minute. It takes between one and two seconds for the modulation to be transmitted. Remember also that most stations have a coaxial relay to switch, bias to apply to the power amplifier and so on before thet can transmit. Bottom line is that using the beginning of the tranmission to figure out whether the signal is bounced off the moon is not a good way to tell.
Bert, VE2ZAZ
it is Puerto Rico,not,Porto Rico.