Set the Tone, Tone Frequency and Repeater Offset on Yaesu FT-60 Sponsors: Audible – 30 Day Free Trial Audio Books – http://w…
Video Rating: 2 / 5
Hey guys this is a video of the VX-8 and my opinions on the radio.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Nice one James
Nice Job
Well done! Thanks.
Nicely done.
it is receiver only or also can communicate with others just like normal 2way walkie talkie???
what is the range on a set of this radios James, 73’s to You James.
Baofeng UV-3R ….Please don’t assume its going to do all the things a high quality Yeasu is going to do. Its a Chinese copy of a Yeasu….25-40 pounds.
My main issue with the “big three” is price especially where handhelds are concerned. The VX-8D looked like a better handset than the VX-8G but to have GPS on the 8D it would cost an additional £150 and the accessories (speaker mic etc) are not compatible with my two VX-150’s which are still going strong! So for an APRS mobile I think I’d go with the 8G.
I also have a Wouxun UVD1P and has proven to be a decent handheld. RX and TX it seems to be just as capable as a handheld by the “big three”.
What is the range of your VX-8?
Great video!
pero que cara de panoli tienes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hy 2e0bmi!! Thanks to you I have bought some months ago a yaesu vx8E!! It’s wonderful!!!I’m loving it and taking pleasure use it everywhere in everyway (also with APRS)!! But I’ve some question for you:
-the first one is: have you found some problems with ROS on high power trasmission??
-How can you turn the display on blue?? I can’t find the way on the menu !!!
Looks like a nice radio..But a Ht with 6 meters that is a total waste.On 6 meters u need at the very very least is a full size 1/4 wave whip.
Have a look at the VX-8G, It has built in GPS but no 6m (I didn’t care about that) and isn’t submersible (conforms to IPX5 though).
Portable radio set Yaesu VX-7 how much far allowed to conduct good communication?
I have a VX-7R ,but the screen is going bad, so I’m getting the VX-8R as a reward of getting my General class. They do over price the gps and the adapter, the external mic and and the programning CD.
бля такой доход, а с такой серьёзной радейкой. Пиздец амеры ахуели. Пора пару килотонн на вашингтон ебануть
What is your antenna?
I was wondering about the Yaesu vx8 series,…but ended up with a vx7r i realy dont care about BLUETOTH and GPS and that ARPS… i was just looking for a disent radio for a newbie.
If i seriously get into this, i will probobly get somthing bigger sonn anyway
73 from Norway
You said miles. I rather expected you to say kilometres.
u in australua if so i will see u sooon
u seem like a cat whit this eyes… nice radio… man..
Great vid mate Im in Australia, wondering if the VX-8DR will accept Australian UHF frequencies, 476.000 MHz and above ..?
cheers James, I am going for my first licence soon , and I ‘m really interested in mountain top dxing , are the menu’s reasonably easy ?or just long winded? I shall probably make my own antenae later. Thanx for a great review…I have lots to learn, and this seems like a quality transceiver .btw I am in U.K. Hampshire ( not many mountains! lol ) cheers..