Ham Radio Shack For Sale – Hamvention Sale!
Yaesu FT-991 – Two of Them – 160m – 70cm Rigs Both SOLD / Zero Available!
Yaesu ATAS-120a Mobile / Portable Antenna SOLD!
Heil Pro 7 Headset SOLD!
LDG Z-11 Pro Tuner SOLD!
Yaesu FH-2 Remote Keyboard Switch SOLD!
Getting rid of my current shack – out with the old and in with the new – Bought two new rigs at Hamvention in Dayton!
Bought a new IC-9100 for satellites and to bought a new IC-7300 for more HF capability in addition to the HF that’s included on the IC-9100.
Here’s some photos of what I am selling. Clicking on the image will show you the big picture!
First with full payment to PayPal wins the item.
Note: all shipping costs are for 48USA only. Sorry, no international shipping.
Yaesu FT-991 – Two Of Them!
Both SOLD! – ZERO Available!
I have two of these I am selling. They are identical to each other with both in excellent condition with zero known problems. Both have their boxes and their manuals, Yaesu map and decal.
Details on the FT-991:
Manuals for the FT-991:
I have very successfully used these two radios on HF and also, primarily, to work the amateur satellites. You can see several videos of me using these two radios on my YouTube channel: YouTube.com/K3RRR.
Price: $797 each – including shipping!
Delivered 48USA! Sorry – No International Sales!
Win it before someone else does!
Heil Pro 7 Headset SOLD!
I absolutely love this headset. I thought about buying one for years and highly regret that I hesitated. The only reason I’m selling this is that I’m going to buy the ICOM version of the same headset at Hamvention.
Here’s a review:
Here’s the manual:
This headset comes with the Yaesu modular adapter and also includes the original box and all of the other cables, ear pads, etc. Excellent condition with zero known defects.
$197 Delivered 48USA!
Sorry – No International Sales!
Win it before someone else does!
Yaesu ATAS 120a Mobile Antenna SOLD!
I love this antenna and have always been amazed how well it works – even on 40m!
The Yaesu ATAS-120 Active Tuning Antenna System provides HF/VHF/UHF coverage with automatic motorized tuning. It is the successor to the popular ATAS-100. Utilizing control signals from the transceivers microprocessor received via the coaxial cable, the ATAS-120’s internal motor adjusts the radiator length for best SWR. The ATAS-120 covers the 7, 14, 21, 28, 50, 144 and 430 MHz amateur bands
This works with the FT 991 along with FT 897D and FT 857D (I used to have every one of these rigs!) It also works with the FT-847 and FT-100/100D. I have an entire webpage dedicated just to my experience with this specific antenna that I’m selling: https://k3rrr.com/atas120a/
As you can see from the web page, I have successfully operated this antenna mobile, fixed and portable and does a great job when you do your grounding right – either with your vehicle grounding or with the right counterpoises.
Here’s the one page manual for download:
The antenna is in excellent condition with zero known defects or problems of any kind. This antenna is, the “a” version so it has the rubber gasket at the top to help keep water from going into the mechanism. It comes with the original box.
Price: $245 – plus $19 shipping.
LDG Z-11 Pro Antenna Tuner SOLD!
I’ve had a lot of antenna tuners over the years with many of them much more expensive than this one. But none has worked as good as the Z-11 Pro.
Great tuner that will tune just about anything. Includes the manual. (I’ve got the box around here somewhere but cannot find it – so far! If I find it, I will include it.)
Here’s a link to the LDG Z-11 Pro manual:
Tuner is in very good condition with zero known defects.
Price: $82 – plus $12 shipping.
Yaesu FH-2 Remote Control Keyboard SOLD!
With the optional remote control keypad, you can record and transmit your voice and control the contest memory keyer during CW operation.
This is fantastic for contests, Field Day, calling DX stations and/or just calling CQ on HF or the satellites. This same device works with several different radios.
This is the Original FH-2 Remote Control Keypad, to be used with the Yaesu FT-891, FT-991, FT-DX1200, FT-950, FT-2000, FT-DX5000 and FT-DX9000 Base Station Radios.
Remote Control is in good condition with zero known defects. Note that the marking for the “1” key is missing.
Depending on which Transceiver the FH-2 is controlling, it will allow for various functions, such as:
- Frequency control
- Recording/Checking/Transmitting your own voice
- Recording/Playback of Receiver Audio
- Contest Memory Keying both CW and SSB
- Function control
Price: $47 – plus $6 shipping.
That’s the List
Which ones do you want? Which ones do you REALLY want to win?
Beat the competition by contacting me NOW on Twitter at @K3TripleR or by email to Robert at the K3RRR youknowwhyiamdoingthisdot com.
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73 de Robert K3RRR
K3RRR.com <~~~~~~~~~~ Visit My Web Site
@K3TripleR <~~~~~~~~~~ Follow Me On Twitter
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