I made a few QSOs in two ham radio contests (competitions) over the weekend of 21st/22nd February 2009. These were in the French ‘REF’ contest and the American ARRL DX CW Contest.
Audio Recording during ARRL SSB Contest 2010. ( SOAB HP) Op: LU9ESD Manu www.qrz.com/db/lu9esd Band: 14 Mhz. RIG: Yaesu FT-920 Antenna: 3 element tribander @ 36 mtr. Amplifier: Yaesu FL-2100Z (500 W.)
Thank you, very informative video. Well done
Thanks for another great video. Keep up the good work and good DX, 73
Well…you have me beat in two languages.
That of the french and the language of radio-cw.
Nice vid. 73 de N0SSC
Very nice videos OM. Your french is way better than my english hi. 73 et à la prochaine.
…nice video.