Sharing some thoughts about the Yaesu FT-817 amateur radio to illustrate some useful additions to increase utility and enjoyment of the unit. Highlighted are external connection to a sealed lead-acid battery, Palm Paddles for CW, Palm Peg Leg kit for propping up radio and Low Profile Amateur Radio book from ARRL. Palm Radio Mini Paddles and Peg Legs kit are available from Low Profile Amateur Radio is available from
Video Rating: 5 / 5
I really enjoy your video. I´m new on ham radio, and I like this radio very much. In your opinion, can you consider this rig like entry radio, or QRP is not the best way to start.
Thanks in advance for your feedback
Patricio Borquez
Chile, SA.
@patoborq Consider another radio unless you envision operating portable a lot (i.e., camping or hiking away from sources of power). That’s the short answer. The reasons why–compared to either a mobile or base size HF+6m+2m+440 unit, this radio is: still relatively pricey, underpowered, and somewhat difficult to use. The latter is due to the small display, lack of buttons on the face and complex menus. That said, it’s all a compromise for portable use! Good Luck! Thanks for watching!
Nice Rig , im getting one soon 73 cherio
Very nice review/demo; weirdly, not a ton of comprehensive vids on this radio in English.
Good Video, well prepared. You have added some improvements, like the little stand, which I find quite useful.
Just bought the same rig. Would you respond by telling me where I can purchase the same “pair of feet. 73’s de VE6MAQ Johnwf
I do not really like bulky equipment in general, but more lighter and smaller. Considering the answer you gave Patricio, is there another radio more suited to relative beginners(a little more userfriendly) that is not too large and preferably weatherresistant?
Or is it your opinion that it is pretty userdependant?
If I get a few answers that say get a big one for now I’ll of course take the advice, I’d like to learn radio in a “good way”.
Very useful and informative video. Thx.
First off, I have an FT-450AT which I love. Superb digital radio with IDSP and filters. With a 20m vee about 15 feet high, I’ve made contacts up to about 7,000 miles away. I still am fascinated by the 817. To just take places with me, or use at the lake or camping, it seems like a great radio. Using something like a dipole, vee or EndFedz, would the 817 be suitable for SSB phone? I haven’t learned any CW yet… Thanks, Steve
What amperage fuses did you use?
Why a fuse on the negative side.
@streamertyer 5Amp
@luccid It’s not necessary in this application.
Great video. Where did you get the fold up feet>
@rwcan42 Listed under the show notes
@rwcan42 can’t seem to post a link here or anything that looks like one. So mtechnologies (slash) palm (slash) pegleg (dot) htm. There see if that works!
Great video. I love the 817. 73 DE Mike M0SAZ.
Nice video. I like that external battery setup. What do you use or can you use to charge up that battery.
@cigarjohn42 Re: battery charger. I just use a small motorcycle battery charger.
Thank you for the quick reply you sent me.
im sure there is an antenna that can e bend up, for vhf ?
im sure there is an antenna that can e bend up, for vhf ?
@maciejwrotek the radio comes with a 6m/2m/440Mhz “rubber duckie” style antenna which attaches to the front faceplate BNC connector.
@HoustonMtn that is nice
The 817 is a great rig . . . nice video . . . thanks for sharing!