HomeBrew Rotor Controller project got new Tripot and FUNcube Dongle worked with Orbitron using DDE. I modified the DDE base code from CX6DD and added the Function to control FCD-IO.DLL for Funcube Dongle SDR that received the Download Doppler from Orbitron Directly, I like Orbitron because it ‘s free and easy to use and can modified DDE, I did try WZTRACK but it seem not the full version that I have to pa for the Register, So that why I stick with ORBITRON for a while and happy with it. — I was be able to control ROROR with my Own Rotor that I build from nothing, I can buy the Yaesu which work the same way but it seems that not cool enough that always buy for the HAm gear then I build from the piece of aluminum in Machine shop so that it looked so cool,. aso very high precision too!!!!.. ENJOY and Thank you to watch my video, I almost finish my arduino Rotor controler which more cool than this.

HI I am using a homemade 12vdc motor and a H Bridge interface with parallax BS1 Basic stamp. Would like some help in basic programing for AO 51. More info on hardware at ka6puw.tripod.com mail to KA6PUW@arrl.net

8 replies
  1. kuroshinin1
    kuroshinin1 says:

    I used a 12vdc reversible gearhead motor product number: GH12-1926 (hsiang-neng) Jameco part number 155011. Its a 12vdc 2 rpm 3000:1 gear ratio approx $20

  2. mikewm9v
    mikewm9v says:

    thanks, good mech, not sure of its torque/holding capabilities. the interface is real good. would like to see specs on that and maybe your software 

  3. kuroshinin1
    kuroshinin1 says:

    @mikewm9v – if you see the other video’s its moving a 4/8 element antenna – muxch larger then the 3/7 arrow antenna. if you clamp the 4/8 antenna on the end it still moves it perfectly.


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