“Comms Up!” is a prepper docudrama illustrating the importance of a good communication plan from a preparedness perspective while introducing the American Re…
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Not everyone is waiting for Yaesu to introduce their line of digital voice VHF/UHF equipment. A few thousand hams are already using the DMR protocol with bus…
Well, regardless if it’s P25, iDas, DMR, DStar…. Analog has a big place
in communications. If we were to lose the internet (since everything
Digital is routed through the net), we need to be cautious on how much
Digital we use. Sure, use Digital to your hearts content, but make damn
sure you keep Analog handy, and practice it, too!!
Why are you Talking all the Time??? Let the Guy Talk!!!!
Digital doesn’t /have/ to be routed over the Internet. It’s more than
possible to have an offline repeater exactly like analog. For big linked
systems it could even be linked over RF with the right setup.
Let the guy talk…
LinuxManUK ,I do not see anyone forced at gun point to buy Icom’s repeaters
. People build their own d-star repeaters while others buy them from Icom
.. I built my own hotspot . I love d-star . It shows that you have never
tried it or can not get along with anyone . Analog is dead . Wires from
Yaesu failed .Lets see what happens to these cheap looking yaesu radios .
Great interview, thanks to both of you. WB3LSB
Don’t do one man show like this , let your guest speak more
Dan, to answer your questions, the raw data throughput with a Mototrbo
product is 4800 bps as I am told, however the true data rate is dependant
on the application, error checking and overhead needed for the data
application you are running.hope this helps
Great interview, thanks to both of you. WB3LSB
Nice video, but I would request that you let your guest speak. It seems as
though you interrupted often and droned on quite a bit when I was waiting
to hear a complete thought from the expert…respectfully submitted.
Who wants or needs Motorola to get ‘into’ the Amateur market ? There’s
get some
plenty of Motorola stuff about already, most of my shack is Motorola. AF
quality on FDMA P25 is good, so on 70cms, a noisy FM signal is a solid
armchair copy P25 signal. its a no brainer. error correction seems better &
faster to re-synch than d-star, esp in fringe areas & better on the ears
than noisy FM, you’ll only become a convert by using the gear
Motorola digi gear and point yer yagi up to Lancashire Daz !
FFS ! stop using QRZ when calling CQ…. QRZ means: “who is calling calling
me” and ” you are called by”.. nothing else..
This sounds much better than the d-star toys.. maybe because motorola and
others realize that the microphone is essential, wich Icom apparently do
not… (made in china and sounds like shit, really)
Thank you for a nice video!
12.5khz has arrived in UK on ham VHF and PMR.for a while now.
On ham bands VHF,its hasnt really been worth it and has caused a lot of
confusion and inter-operability problems in my area not sure in other
places of UK.
DMR moto radios sound lot better than D-star and esp when using them in
mobile ops.Nice video
I can foresee a lot of potential for several data enabled options on ham
radios using both d-star and mototrbo, etc. For eg. it’d be awesome if
your out working in the yard, or on field day, and you need to e-mail a
friend, be able to send it out via your hand-held. Check your e-mail
possibly, send text messages to cell phone, receive text messages, lots of
cool uses out there. But the biggest thing about it is, none of that makes
any difference if nobody uses it! Lots of repeaters used to use phone
patch and other features, they killed them all due to abuse mainly,
likewise, don’t expect many repeaters to support all the fun features.
The Motorola representative was a gentleman with the patience of a Saint.
I KNOW you could have told me a
He was entirely justified in just walking out, only his professionalism can
have stopped him. The interviewing was intrusive, objectionable, ill
mannered, amateurish and arrogant.
I don’t know if there’s a training scheme for interviewers to learn their
craft, but presumably he hs either never found one, or bothered to enrol.
Thank you Mr. Motorola, I learnt a lot, but if you ever contemplate going
through that again, bring some duct tape
lot more, given the chance.
Stop cutting him off! LOL
FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, Let the Guy speak!
A Freemason eh..nice one..
I have only just watched this video and found it very very frustrating, the
guy doing the interview needs a serious lesson on keeping his big mouth
shut and allow the interviewee to say his bit, I have never heard someone
love the sound of his own voice as much as this interviewer does.
the host interrupts too much. shut up. please.
already many dmr radio,s sold on ebay by kirsun and zastone,kirisun already
do a dmr repeater and mobile units,certainly dmr could give d-star run for
its money.
You are a crappy interviewer!
I have only just watched this video and found it very very frustrating, the
guy doing the interview needs a serious lesson on keeping his big mouth
shut and allow the interviewee to say his bit, I have never heard someone
love the sound of his own voice as much as this interviewer does.
the real problem with digital mode is that each manufacture, makes his own
way (dstar, yaesu, motorola,etc..), i think that would be better only one
and of course all equipment is very expensive (repeaters) to buy by the
This is one of the best presentations on communications preparedness ever
produced. Everyone should “get it” after watching this.
David, Is there a net in Portland, Or currently?
Doc…ok if I mirror this on my channel?
Being new to all this I have a question. Near the end of this video a
woman said she bought a fm radio and plug it into her computer. What type
of fm radio ? and how dose that work ? I am in CT and ready to start
something but need help.
This sounds like the grandchild of the REACT system used on CB radio during
the 60s- 70s. If so it definitely has possibilities for being a great
service to cival preparedness and community service during all kinds of
applications both in group and throughout the community.
So, what does it mean, to be an AmRRON Operator? In one word — Purpose!
An AmRRON operator is part of the American Redoubt Network who decided to
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Excellent information. I hope to one day get my license and equipment. I
just slowly keep trying to study as I have problems trying to remember
stuff during a test LOL.
link to download the communications SOI is down? says cannot be found. I
would like to get a copy of this if possible. I think I heard it cost $, I
am glad to pay. Thanks
EMP…. if you are in the EMP area YOUR ARE TOAST! The EMP radius DOES NOT
extend past the blast zone of the weapon that causes it. The worst part of
it is the power surge that you may get in a power line….
Do you have a communication plan? Check out AmRRON.
Working on expanding my kits and getting more handhelds.
AmRRON Rebroadcasting Station “Black Echo Program”
Radio Free Redoubt Rebroadcasting Station “Black Echo Program”
During the spring of 2014, the Radio Free Redoubt Rebroadcasting Station
Program will be formalized and expanded. A “Black Echo” rebroadcasting
station is a Redoubter who has invested in a commercial transmitter on the
FM or AM frequencies who then air, or rebroadcast, the Radio Free Redoubt
podcast in their local neighborhoods and communities. In an information
black-out situation, when commercial broadcasting may be spurious or
non-existent, “Black Echo” stations will act as critical sources of
pertinent information and reassurance to their communities on the FM and AM
For those interested in becoming involved as a “Black Echo” station,
emphasis should be placed on acquiring low power AM/FM equipment which can
be switched between from low power (500mw) to high power (30 Watts of
output power). The capability to increase power will allow the station
operator to reach listeners several miles away during an emergency /
TEOTWAWKI situation.
Things you might expect to hear from a Black Echo Rebroadcasting Station:
Live Streaming Radio Free Redoubt broadcasts (During grid-up situations)
Previously-downloaded RFR podcasts, as well as, other patriot centered
podcasts and audio files
Live AmRRON Nets Radio Traffic
Live Commentary & Public Service Announcements from RFR Rebroadcast Station
To learn more about how you can get involved:
Radio Free Redoubt Rebroadcasting Station Program
American Redoubt Radio Operators Network
NOTE: Please remember, it is not legal in times of non-emergency to
broadcast beyond Part 15 FCC rules.
Hobby Broadcasting & Part 15 FCC Rules
AmRRON Communications SOI
Available for download for $2 donation to RadioFreeRedoubt / AmRRON