Image by carrierdetect
Prof. Xiaoguang “Leo” Liu
Image by UC Davis College of Engineering
The National Science Foundation’s Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) has awarded a three-year grant of 0,001 to a team led by Principal Investigator Xiaoguang “Leo” Liu, an assistant professor in the UC Davis Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). The project, titled “Reconfigurable Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software-Defined Radio Applications,” will be a collaborative effort with co-PIs Paul J. Hurst, Bernard Levy and Stephen H. Lewis, all professors in the UC Davis ECE Department.
More info: engineering.ucdavis.edu/blog/electrical-computer-engineer…
Photo by Katie Lin/UC Davis College of Engineering
Arlington, VA (PRWEB) August 22, 2010
MDE Systems Inc., an internationally recognized expert in Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS) and the Software Communication Architecture (SCA) announced today that it will be participating in the “SCA Next Roll-out” Event at the Joint JTRS Science and Technology Forum/Wireless Innovation Forum Meeting on August 24th and 25th in Washington D.C.
“The members of our staff have been intensively involved with implementing JTRS and SCA Software Defined Radio (SDR) systems based on the SCA for over a decade now. They have been involved as well with assisting the evolution of the specifications over the years. We are excited to participate in this roll-out event and to continue to assist companies with our SDR products and expert SDR services based on these specs,” said Bruce Trask, CEO of MDE Systems Inc.
About MDE Systems Inc.
MDE Systems develops, markets and supports a wide range of products, services and training for complex distributed real-time and embedded software systems. Its specialties include Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technologies. MDE Systems Inc. is located in the United States. More information can be found at the MDE Systems website: http://www.mdesystems.com.
Find More Software Defined Radio Press Releases
Bronx, NY (PRWEB) September 12, 2010
Bruce Trask and Angel Roman of MDE Systems Inc. will be delivering a tutorial on leveraging Model Driven Engineering technologies within Software Product Line Architectures at the 11th International Software Product Line Conference 2010 at Jeju Island in South Korea on September 13th, 2010 (SPLC 2010). More details can be found at the conference website http://splc2010.postech.ac.kr and the tutorial website http://splc2010.postech.ac.kr/tutorials.html#t8.
“Many companies are now striving to learn how to effectively leverage many recent critical innovations in Model Driven Engineering to either jump start their Software Product Lines or modernize their existing ones. We have been assisting many companies in this regard and are happy to be invited back to SPLC 2010 to relay a concentrated tutorial on the effective application of Model Driven Engineering technologies to Software Product Line Architectures”, said Bruce Trask, CEO of MDE Systems Inc.
About MDE Systems Inc.
MDE Systems develops, markets and supports a wide range of products, services and training for complex distributed real-time and enterprise and embedded software systems. Its specialties include Model Driven Engineering (MDE), Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technologies. MDE Systems Inc. is located in the United States. More information can be found at the MDE Systems website: http://www.mdesystems.com
Bronx, NY (PRWEB) October 1, 2010
MDE Systems Inc, an internationally recognized expert in Model Driven Engineering (MDE) technologies and Eclipse Modeling Technologies, announced today that it will be delivering a tutorial at the 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2010) on October 5th, 2010 in Oslo, Norway. More information can be found at the conference websites: http://www.modelsconference.org/ and http://models2010.ifi.uio.no/tutorials.shtml#Trask.
“There continues to be strong interest in Europe regarding how best to apply Model Driven Engineering technologies to help companies and development teams both implement new systems as well as modernize and evolve their existing legacy applications. The pace of innovation happening in the modeling community is staggering and can make the adoption of these powerful technologies daunting. Yet it is through the adoption of these promising technologies that development teams can make huge increases in software productivity and software quality. We are happy to continue giving tutorials at technical conferences such as MODELS,” said Bruce Trask, CEO of MDE Systems Inc.
About MDE Systems Inc. specializes in the development of software for complex computer systems including Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technologies. More information can be found at the MDE Systems website: http://www.mdesystems.com.
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(PRWeb UK) October 9, 2010
The release of two new analog-to-digital / digital-to-analog cards based on the FPGA mezzanine card standard (FMC) has been announced by 4DSP, LLC. The FMC204 and FMC150 daughter cards are mechanically and electrically compliant to FMC standard (ANSI/VITA 57.1).
The FMC204 is a quad channel D/A FMC daughter card, providing four channels of 16-bit D/A at 1 Gsps. The FMC204 allows flexible control on clock source, sampling frequency, and calibration through an I2C communication bus and includes a high-pin count (HPC) connector and front panel I/O. The FMC204 supports LVDS/2.5V IO signaling and includes an HDMI connector for user defined signaling.
(PRWeb UK) October 9, 2010 — The FMC150 is a dual channel A/D and dual channel D/A FMC daughter card. The card provides two channels of 14-bit A/D at 250Msps and two channels of 16-bit D/A at 800Msps. The FMC150 allows flexible control on clock source, analog input gain, and offset correction through serial communication busses and includes a low-pin count connector and front panel I/O. The FMC150 supports LVDS/2.5V IO signaling. The design is based on TI’s ADS62P49 dual channel 14-bit 250Msps ADC and TI’s DAC3283 dual channel 16-bit 800Msps DAC.
Both cards can be clocked by an internal clock source, optionally locked to an external reference, or by an external sample clock supplied through a coax connection. In addition, there is one trigger input for customized sampling control. Additionally, both the FMC204 and FMC150 cards can be used in a conduction cooled or convection cooled environment and are equipped with power supply and temperature monitoring and offer several power-down modes to switch off unused functions, reducing system level power and heat, making them well suited for software defined radio (SDR), battery or other low power source applications. This is ideal for applications such as airborne where power demand effects mission range and on-station mission time.
With the release of these latest 4DSP FMC cards, which are based on the ANSI/VITA 57.1 2008 standard for FPGA I/O mezzanine cards, 4DSP continues its commitment to developing a robust line of products around this standard. The growing line of 4DSP FMC series cards continues to add to the range of A/D and D/A functionality across a wide frequency range.
“The FMC VITA 57.1 standard does not only offer a common form factor for I/O cards, it also brings a high level of ruggedization at an acceptable price point with a non proprietary interface. As a result, the wide adoption of FPGA mezzanine cards across various industries has become a reality. The current FMC portfolio from 4DSP already benefits system integrators and end users in applications where high performance in a small form factor is required,” commented Pierrick Vulliez, CTO and Founder of 4DSP.
“Combining the versatility of the FMC standard and FPGAs creates an interesting spectrum of application opportunities in markets such as aerospace and defense, medical, industrial, telecommunications, video, and many others that rely on FPGAs for their digital signal processing (DSP) price/performance benefits and for their ability to accommodate a broad assortment of I/O requirements,” said Raj Seelam, Senior Marketing Manager, Platform Solutions, at Xilinx. “The emergence of the FMC standard has essentially modularized the board design effort into a processing engine (the carrier card) and an I/O engine (the FMC module). Designers can now reuse a single carrier card – comprising one or more FPGAs and an appropriate number and type of FMC connectors and boards – as the foundation for any number of markets and applications.”
Shepard Siegel, CTO of Atomic Rules and contributor to the original FMC specification says, “4DSP products are terrific examples of engineering for function, performance and value. In specific, the FMC150 has exceeded our expectations and will enable SIGINT applications on COTS platforms by way of OpenCPI.”
More Information
Pierrick Vulliez, CTO
Tel. +1 (775) 233-5784 Fax. +1 (775) 473-9928
E-mail: sales(at)4dsp(dot)com Web: http://www.4dsp.com
4DSP, LLC, 955 South Virginia St, Suite 214, Reno, NV 89502, USA
Erik Barhorst,
Tel. +31-172-782-190 Fax. +31-172-891-261
E-mail: saleseurope(at)4dsp(dot)com Web: http://www.4dsp.com
4DSP BV, Ondernemingsweg 66f, 2404HN, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands
High res image can be downloaded from: http://www.clickintopr.com/editors/articleDetail.asp?pjID=590
About 4DSP, LLC
4DSP (http://www.4dsp.com) is an innovative hardware, software and VHDL IP Core manufacturer specializing in low-power, low-weight and compact FPGA based signal and image processing systems. Headquartered in Reno Nevada, USA with offices in Austin TX and the Netherlands, 4DSP is a developer of VHDL arithmetic based reconfigurable computers (FPGAs) of advanced architecture which offer customers maximum flexibility and scalability. 4DSP offers customer build-to-spec hardware and VHDL systems that deliver unmatched performance for a broad range of advanced digital signal processing (DSP) applications for video image processing, software defined radio (SDR), RADAR and many more real-time embedded applications.
Bronx, NY (PRWEB) October 13, 2010
MDE Systems, an internationally recognized expert in Model Driven Engineering (MDE) technologies and Eclipse Modeling Technologies, announced today that it will be delivering a tutorial at the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2010) on October 18th 2010 in Reno Nevada USA. More information can be found at the SPLASH conference home page, http://splashcon.org and the tutorial page, http://splashcon.org/program/tutorials/95.
“We are seeing a high level of strong interest and demand in the industry regarding how best to apply Model Driven Engineering (MDE) technologies. This demand is coming from companies and development teams wanting to both implement new systems as well as modernize and evolve their existing legacy applications. The pace of innovation happening in the modeling community is staggering and can make the adoption of these powerful technologies daunting. Yet it is through the adoption of these promising technologies that development teams can make huge increases in software productivity and software quality and create their next generation of software systems. We are happy to continue giving tutorials at technical conferences such as SPLASH,” said Bruce Trask, CEO of MDE Systems Inc.
About MDE Systems Inc. specializes in the development of software for complex computer systems using Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technologies. More information can be found at the MDE Systems website: http://www.mdesystems.com.
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Find More Software Defined Radio Press Releases
Bronx, NY (PRWEB) October 15, 2010
MDE Systems Inc. announced today that Richard Gronback, former Chief Scientist at Borland, former head of the Eclipse Modeling Project and author of the Addison Wesley published book “The Eclipse Modeling Project” (http://www.informit.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=0321534077) has joined MDE Systems Inc. as one of its expert MDE and DSL toolsmiths.
“I look forward to working with MDE Systems on actual customer projects that utilize the domain-specific language tooling we’ve been developing for the past few years. It’s a great opportunity to share knowledge and experiences, while learning how to evolve the tooling in ways that will help ensure the success of customers who recognize the potential of these new modeling technologies,” said Richard Gronback.
“We are very happy to have Rich aboard. Rich shares our passion for solving real-world problems with practical, yet still evolving, domain specific modeling technologies and getting these powerful modeling solutions implemented, deployed and into the hands of customers. His extensive expertise is well known and we are looking forward to working with Rich in meeting the ever increasing demand for model driven engineering technologies and domain specific tools and languages throughout the industry,” said Bruce Trask, CEO of MDE Systems Inc.
About MDE Systems: MDE System Inc. specializes in the development of software for complex computer systems including Model Driven Engineering (MDE), Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technologies. More information can be found at the MDE Systems website: http://www.mdesystems.com.
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Bronx, NY (PRWEB) November 29, 2010
MDE Systems Inc., a company specializing in the application of powerful software technologies to the Software Defined Radio (SDR) domain, announced today that it will deliver a tutorial on Software Techniques and Technologies for Software Defined Radios at the Wireless Innovation Conference and Product Exposition (SDR 2010) on Wednesday, December 1st 2010 in Washington D.C. More information can be found at the conference home page, http://conference.wirelessinnovation.org, and at the tutorial page, http://conference.wirelessinnovation.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=120439.
“The domain of Software Defined Radios presents a host of extremely tough challenges that can be tackled by the tailored application of a number of software techniques and technologies. Significant advances have been made in recent years in important software areas such as Model Driven Engineering (MDE), Domain Specific Languages (DSL), Software Products Lines (SPL), Agile Software Development (ASD), and Distributed Real-time Embedded (DRE) systems. These advances and technologies lend themselves well to getting control and mastery over the problems presented by the SDR domain. This tutorial will offer an exposition of and advice regarding application of these techniques and technologies,” said Bruce Trask, CEO of MDE Systems Inc.
About MDE Systems Inc.
MDE Systems Inc. specializes in the development of software for complex computer systems using Model Driven Engineering (MDE), Domain Specific Languages (DSL), Agile Software Development (ASD), Software Product Lines (SPL) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technologies. More information can be found at the MDE Systems website: http://www.mdesystems.com.
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Winston Salem, NC and Ottawa, Canada (PRWEB) March 22, 2011
Triad Semiconductor Inc. (“Triad”) the industry’s leading supplier of via-configurable mixed-signal ASICs and Kaben Wireless Silicon Inc. (“Kaben”) an industry leading provider of high performance mixed-signal IP, announced today the signing of a Strategic Teaming Agreement.
The purpose of the agreement is to bring Kaben’s disruptive wireless IP and design expertise to users of Triad’s via configurable arrays (VCAs). Kaben’s unique RF and mixed-signal design capabilities merged with Triad’s via configurable ASIC technology means that RF mixed signal ASICs are now available for drastically reduced development costs, with development schedules slashed to months from years, and these RF mixed signal VCAs offer the ability to support any production volume in a wide variety of markets from military, medical, industrial, and automotive to high volume consumer applications.
“Until today, medium sized module manufacturers and board level solution providers have not been able to take advantage of the value that integrated circuit technology brings.” said Ian Roane, Kaben’s CEO. “The design and manufacturing costs have simply been beyond the reach of companies selling less than millions of chips per year.” He further added, “This partnership addresses both of these areas to enable affordable integrated solutions for medium sized companies while also enabling larger volume applications to be delivered faster and at a lower cost and risk. Using Triad’s VCA technology means that Kaben’s advanced wireless technology can be rapidly prototyped and manufactured and we are excited to have our technology be an integral part of it.”
Regarding the partnership, Triad’s CEO, Lynn Hayden said “The market has been recognizing and rewarding Triad’s via configurable approach as the superior way to realize mixed signal ASICs for markets as varied as low to mid volume military and medical applications where size weight and power optimization are king to fifty-million piece consumer applications where you must satisfy the customer’s cost, schedule and risk requirements simultaneously. What has us really excited is now, with the Kaben partnership, we can bring all the benefits of a configurable ASIC approach to customers seeking to deliver leading-edge RF and wireless solutions. Needless to say, our lead customers who have seen the Kaben/Triad RF VCA technology say it is game changing for their business!”
About Kaben Wireless, Inc.
Kaben Wireless Silicon Inc is a semiconductor development organization for wireless and wireline communications systems addressing next generation communication standards. We develop circuits and systems for frequency generation and timing products, integrated reconfigurable tuners for software-defined radio, programmable on-chip filters, RF/Analog front ends and systems for proprietary and standards-based applications. Kaben delivers high-performance designs to manufacturers in the wireless and wireline communications market, that significantly reduce risk, cost, and time to market. For more information, please visit http://www.kabenwireless.com.
About Triad Semiconductor, Inc.
Triad Semiconductor, Inc., a privately held fabless semiconductor company with headquarters in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, develops, prototypes and produces mixed-signal ASICs. The company’s groundbreaking via-configurable array (VCA) technology delivers ASICs with silicon-proven analog and digital functions more quickly and at lower cost than traditional full-custom approaches. Triad’s single-mask, via-only routing cuts engineering effort and fabrication time, resulting in fast-turn prototypes and allowing design changes to be made at minimal cost. For more information, please visit http://www.triadsemi.com or call (336) 774-2150.
Austin Texas (PRWEB) May 15, 2011
4DSP LLC announced the release of the VP680 and FC6301 Virtex-6 FPGA cards. These products, available in 3U VPX and CompactPCI form factors, offer an FPGA Mezzanine Card site that fully supports the 4DSP’s FMC series of high speed digitizers and signal generators as well as third party products compliant to the VITA 57.1 FMC standard. This I/O flexibility is further enhanced by BLAST sites with advanced memory configurability.
Because of their visibility the FC6301 and VP680 are ideal for applications where FPGA logic and DSP resources are required, such as for RADAR, SONAR and specialized Software Defined Radio (SDR).
The VP680 and FC6301 follow on the heels of the successful FM680 where major configuration options were worked out using 4DSP’s just-in-time (JIT) process BLAST concept. This manufacturing nuance excels in providing customers with the ability to specify architectural features like memory type, added signal processors, microcontrollers, video CODECs, solid-state drives and custom circuits.
Both products have already been successfully test driven by select customers. They are fully backed by 4DSP’s engineering services program, where specific FPGA algorithmic processes are developed to meet customer’s unique needs. Specific technical information about the VP680 can be found at http://www.4dsp.com/VP680.php. Specific technical information about the FC6301 can be found at http://www.4dsp.com/FC6301.php.
More Information:
Pierrick Vulliez, Director of Marketing & Business Development
Tel. +1 (775) 233-5784 Fax. +1 (775) 473-9928
E-mail: sales(at)4dsp(dot)com Web: http://www.4dsp.com
4DSP LLC, 10713 Ranch Rd 620N, Suite 522, Austin, TX 78726, USA
Erik Barhorst,
Tel. +31-172-782-190 Fax. +31-172-891-261
E-mail: saleseurope(at)4dsp(dot)com Web: http://www.4dsp.com
4DSP BV, Ondernemingsweg 66f, 2404HN, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands
Virtex 6 is a registered trademark of Xilinx
About 4DSP LLC
4DSP is an innovative hardware, software and VHDL IP Core manufacturer specializing in low power, low weight and compact FPGA based signal and image processing systems. Headquartered in Reno Nevada, USA, with offices in the Netherlands, 4DSP is a developer of VHDL arithmetic based reconfigurable computers (FPGAs) of advanced architecture which offer customers maximum flexibility and scalability. 4DSP’s hardware platforms deliver unmatched performance for advanced digital signal processing (DSP) applications for embedded computing systems. More information about 4DSP’s engineering services can be found at services
Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been typically implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. While the concept of SDR is not new, the rapidly evolving capabilities of digital electronics render practical many processes which used to be only theoretically possible.
A basic SDR system may consist of a personal computer equipped with a sound card, or other analog-to-digital converter, preceded by some form of RF front end. Significant amounts of signal processing are handed over to the general-purpose processor, rather than being done in special-purpose hardware. Such a design produces a radio which can receive and transmit widely different radio protocols (sometimes referred to as waveforms) based solely on the software used.
Software radios have significant utility for the military and cell phone services, both of which must serve a wide variety of changing radio protocols in real time.
Winston-Salem, NC (PRWEB) July 25, 2011
Triad Semiconductor Inc., the industry’s leading supplier of configurable mixed-signal ASICs, today announced the availability of its largest configurable array to date – VCA-6. The VCA-6 combines precision, high performance analog resources (more than 100 op-amps) with over a million ASIC gates on a single configurable device allowing designers to sweep up an entire board of components into a single ASIC. The VCA-6 is fabricated on IBM’s 0.18-micron 7RF process optimized for mixed signal performance and digital integration. With onshore fabrication and a complete ITAR design and supply chain, Triad and the VCA-6 are an excellent choice for defense applications seeking a cost effective way to secure design IP and manage long-term supply requirements. Applications benefiting from integration onto a VCA-6 include: software defined radio, sonar, smart sensor fusion, FPGA plus analog replacement, UAV controllers and designs needing obsolescence or end of life (EOL) replacement solutions.
The VCA-6 is based on Triad’s silicon-proven via-configurable array (VCA) technology, which allows designers to quickly and inexpensively customize analog, and digital features with lower power consumption and greater system cost savings than previous ASIC solutions.
Technical Highlights
The VCA-6 contains 320 configurable logic tiles. Each tile contains 3,150 NAND2 equivalent ASIC gates providing the array with a total of 1,008,000 ASIC gates. Unlike FPGAs, VCA-6 logic gates are not “equivalent system gates” but actual standard-cell gate primitives providing the size, performance, and power profile typical of a standard-cell digital ASIC implementation. Each logic tile also contains a 4,608-bit 2-port static RAM organized as 128 words by 36-bits. The array also contains a total of 160 Kbytes of via configurable non-volatile read-only memory (ROM) arranged as 160 1K x 8 ROMs. The distributed RAM and ROM resources can be configured into larger composite memories using Triad’s ViaWare™ memory generator. The array contains two on board PLLs for flexible timing generation. The VCA-6 has over 100 op-amps with each op-amp surrounded by configurable collections of resistors, capacitors, transistors, and switches. The analog resources are arranged into single-ended analog tiles, fully differential analog tiles, resistive DAC tiles, bias tiles, and current steering DAC tiles. A single Via-Only™ mask layer change configures and interconnects these analog and digital resources into a wide range of mixed signal circuits. If the design can be conceived of as an interconnection of op-amps, resistors, capacitors, logic and memory then the design can be implemented on a Triad VCA.
About Triad Semiconductor, Inc.
Triad Semiconductor, Inc., a privately held fabless semiconductor company with headquarters in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, develops and produces configurable mixed-signal ASICs. The company’s groundbreaking via-configurable array (VCA) technology delivers ASICs with silicon-proven analog and digital functions more quickly and at a lower cost than traditional full-custom approaches. Triad’s single-mask, Via-Only™ routing cuts engineering effort and fabrication time, resulting in fast-turn prototypes and allowing design changes to be made at minimal cost. For more information, please visit http://www.triadsemi.com or call (336) 774-2150.
Brea, CA (PRWEB) August 22, 2011
The IMS Company, a software and systems developer in the defense and aviation industries, is expanding its presence in the San Diego area with three new executive, consulting and strategic advisory appointments, according to Ron Hopkins, Executive Vice President and General Manager of the IMS Engineering division.
Chris Burt has been appointed as Vice President of the DoD and Aerospace business group “to ensure a concentrated focus on the defense market in the Southern California region and elsewhere,” said Hopkins.
Prior to his appointment at The IMS Company, Burt was Deputy for the West Coast Aerospace domain at Thales USA Defense & Security, Inc. (TDSI) and served as key account manager for L3 Communications. Burt was previously a Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) owner following two combat tours in Kuwait and Iraq as a Marine Corps officer.
The company has named Dennis Bauman as a strategic advisor, bringing decades of defense leadership, expertise and strategic insights to help guide the company’s growth in the defense market.
Since retirement from a thirty year career in the US government’s Senior Executive Service, Bauman has worked as a consultant providing strategic advice to the defense industry. Before his retirement, Bauman led the Joint Program Executive Office for the Joint Tactical Radio System as well as the Navy’s Program Executive Office for C4I and Space.
Bauman held roles such as the SPAWAR Program Director for Command, Control and Intelligence and Combat Support Applications, and Program Director for Information Warfare. Bauman also served as head of the Naval Ocean Systems Center Submarine Communications and C4I System Division.
Concurrent with his government service, Bauman was a faculty member at the University of California at San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Department for twenty years.
“IMS’ unique skills in software defined radios and in cloud computing are desperately needed in this market,” said Bauman, “and I’m pleased to help IMS accelerate its growth in the San Diego area.”
The IMS Company has also appointed Debbie Matzek as business development and strategic planning consultant for the San Diego defense market. Matzek has had a distinguished career in the San Diego Aerospace Industry. She was a leader in the success of the San Diego Chapter of the Armed Forces and Communications Association (AFCEA), where her leadership positions included Chapter Vice President, SPAWAR Systems Center AFCEA Joint C4ISR Symposium Chair (’97-’98), and Chapter President (’98-’00). She was also a member of the 2001 AFCEA San Diego Board of Directors. She has owned a consultancy for over 15 years.
Matzek began her career with General Dynamics’ Space Systems Division where she supported several Atlas II Launch Vehicle missions for the United States Air Force. She managed the development and verification of all satellite interface requirements and assisted in the development of the first Automated Requirements Verification Program. She also served as the liaison between the General Dynamics engineering team, the USAF customer, and the USAF IV&V contractor to ensure that mission requirements were approved for launch.
Matzek served as the liaison between the General Dynamics engineering team, the USAF customer, and the USAF IV&V contractor to ensure that mission requirements were verified and approved for launch.
About The IMS Company: Founded in 1996, The IMS Company is an software and system solutions provider in the travel industry, and a systems and software solutions provider to the air transport and aerospace and defense industries. Organized into three business units, IMS serves commercial airlines including American, Delta, British Airways, Royal Jordanian, US Airways, Kuwait, AirAsia X, TransAero and others with portable entertainment, wireless communications, and content management services via IMS Entertainment.
Via IMS Engineering, the company provides advanced systems and software engineering support in the development and deployment of the latest inflight entertainment, cabin avionics, and media distribution systems, as well as engineering services and software development services to unmanned vehicles, avionics systems, software-defined radios and cloud solutions.
IMS Flight Deck provides Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) and other solutions for the flight deck.
IMS has expanded into the provisioning of content services and hardware solutions for business aviation, rental car, rail passenger and related markets reaching the traveling public. For two of the last three years, The IMS Company was named among the fastest-growing privately-held companies in technology-heavy Orange County California by the Orange County Business Journal.
Funcionamiento de la Radio Definida por Software (SDR): frecuencia de muestreo, resolución ADC, impedancia de entrada. Diferentes tipos de receptores SDR. Detalles del chip R820T (Sintonizador TV Digital) y RTL2832U (DVB-T COFDM demodulador + USB 2.0). Tipos de antenas a utilizar con el receptor. Pruebas de funcionamiento con el software: SDRSharp.exe.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Boston, MA (PRWEB) September 27, 2011
Triad Semiconductor Inc. (“Triad”) the industry’s leading supplier of via-configurable mixed-signal ASICs and Kaben Wireless Silicon Inc. (“Kaben”) an industry leading provider of high performance mixed-signal IP, announced the development of a programmable and via-configurable RF array (RF-VCA) for use in a wide variety of wireless applications. Implemented in a 65 nm RF-CMOS process, the RF-VCA makes integrating ARM processors, a customer’s proprietary digital circuits and custom RF receivers into small, cost effective solutions a reality.
Traditionally, RF IC design has been expensive, time-consuming and risky! RF ICs often need from three to four expensive silicon fabrication cycles and they require two years to develop a production worthy device. Using the Triad-Kaben RF-VCA approach, designs can go from concept to working silicon in four to six months. As the RF-VCAs are configured with a single mask layer change, designs can be modified and revised silicon can be delivered in four weeks at a fraction of the cost of a full-custom RF IC re-spin. “Not everyone has cell-phone-like production volumes and the development budgets necessary to create their own custom 65nm RF receiver ASIC paired with an embedded ARM processor and custom analog and digital” said Reid Wender, VP of Marketing at Triad Semiconductor “Now, with the Kaben Powered RF-VCA, many companies that would have never considered ASIC integration can afford their own custom RF-VCA solution.”
The RF-VCA contains two complete RF receiver signal chains that can be configured for applications such as GPS, cellular base stations, cognitive radio, military receivers, FM tuners, ISM-band receivers, and MRI channels. Central to the RF-VCA’s architecture is Kaben’s patented SIF-ADC™ technology that implements RF down-mixing, SAW filter replacement, and analog to digital conversion (ADC) and can be dynamically programmed in the field. The SIF-ADC architecture is ideally suited for implementation on Triad’s VCA architecture. Implemented in an RF-optimized 65nm process, the RF-VCA combines high-performance RF and IF processing with 12-14 bit, 156MSPS SIF-ADCs, onboard RF synthesizers, 2-million configurable ASIC gates, 2-Mbits of dual-port SRAM, and dual 3.125Gbps SERDES channels. The RF-VCA is a complete RF and digital solution for applications spanning frequencies from DC to 3GHz. “Combining the performance and field programmable capabilities of the SIF-ADC with the configurability of the VCA technology is very powerful” said Seste Dell’Aera, Kaben’s Director of Marketing. “A single product can now be applied to a wide a range of wireless and wireline receiver applications.”
To review your RF application and how your business can benefit from an RF-VCA implementation, please contact Triad’s system architects at 336-774-2150 or info(at)triadsemi(dot)com to schedule a review of your requirements. For information on the SIF-ADC contact Kaben at 613-596-6646 or seste.dellaera(at)kabenwireless(dot)com.
Kaben SIF-ADC™ Technology
At the core of the receiver is Kaben’s patented SIF-ADC technology. The SIF-ADC is an analog implementation of a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter prior to a pipelined Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). Applying the filter function prior to the ADC provides exceptional anti-alias and image reject filtering to prevent unwanted signals from compromising the ADC performance. The transfer functions of the SIF filters are programmable using 256 field programmable tap coefficients.
About Kaben Wireless, Inc.
Kaben Wireless Silicon Inc is a semiconductor development organization for wireless and wireline communications systems addressing next generation communication standards. We develop circuits and systems for frequency generation and timing products, integrated reconfigurable tuners for software-defined radio, programmable on-chip filters, RF/Analog front ends and systems for proprietary and standards-based applications. Kaben delivers high-performance designs to manufacturers in the wireless and wireline communications market, that significantly reduce risk, cost, and time to market. For more information, please visit http://www.kabenwireless.com.
About Triad Semiconductor, Inc.
Triad Semiconductor, Inc., a privately held fabless semiconductor company with headquarters in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, develops, prototypes and produces mixed-signal ASICs. The company’s groundbreaking via-configurable array (VCA) technology delivers ASICs with silicon-proven analog and digital functions more quickly and at lower cost than traditional full-custom approaches. Triad’s single-mask, via-only routing cuts engineering effort and fabrication time, resulting in fast-turn prototypes and allowing design changes to be made at minimal cost. For more information, please visit http://www.triadsemi.com or call (336) 774-2150.
Brea, CA (PRWEB) December 23, 2011
The inaugural flight of Southern California-based solutions provider The IMS Company’s seat-centric inflight entertainment system RAVE™ took place on December 9 onboard a SriLankan Airlines A330 aircraft flying from Colombo to Male, according to IMS’ chairman and Chief Executive Officer Joe Renton. The event climaxes nearly four years of planning, development and production which began during the market downturn in 2008.
The airline will equip two A340 and five A330 aircraft, with options for more, and joins a long list of airlines opting for the IFE system.
RAVE capitalizes on airlines’ desire for increased reliability and decreased weight and complexity—circumstances exacerbated by that downturn, according to Renton. “Rising fuel costs and the need to eliminate excess weight continues to characterize IFE requirements today,” says Renton. “For a company like ours, reversing decades of a completely different system architecture at a time when airlines were reducing the amount of money spent on IFE was a calculated risk.”
“SriLankan is proud to be the Launch Customer of RAVE, giving priority to today’s industry needs by initiating the installation of a high quality audio video on demand system, which is also low-weight, on board its medium- long haul flights” said the airline’s Head of Engineering, Priyantha Rose.
SriLankan Airlines was the first of several airlines to choose the revolutionary systems architecture that stores content and playback functionality independently in each seatback display unit (SDU), thus eliminating the single-point-of-failure scenario that potentially compromises headend-centric systems, as well as eliminating distribution boxes and seat electronics boxes.
In this architecture, the headend contains the System Control Unit (SCU) which loads future content to the SDUs in the background while passengers watch current content that is played back from an SD card in each seat.
The result is an architecture that is inherently more reliable while significantly lighter. “RAVE accomplishes reliability through redundancy,” says Renton. “Every seat has its own store of content and playback functionality.
SriLankan’s award announcement was followed by airberlin, Brussels Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa German Airlines, Air Transat and Air Tahiti Nui. “We feel very encouraged by the tremendous market response and will have other award announcements to make very soon”, said Renton.
About The IMS Company: Founded in 1996, The IMS Company is an entertainment and communications solutions provider in the travel industry, and a systems and software solutions provider to the air transport and aerospace industry and the government. Organized into three business units, IMS serves commercial airlines with embedded entertainment, portable entertainment, wireless communications, and content management services via IMS Entertainment.
Via IMS Engineering, the company provides advanced systems and software engineering support in the development and deployment of the latest inflight entertainment, cabin avionics, and media distribution systems, as well as engineering services and software development services to unmanned vehicles, avionics systems, software-defined radios and cloud solutions.
IMS Flight Deck provides Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) and other solutions for the flight deck.
About SriLankan Airlines: SriLankan Airlines, the National Airline of Sri Lanka, is an award winning carrier with a firm reputation as a global leader in service, comfort, safety, reliability, and punctuality.
Launched in 1979, SriLankan is currently expanding and further diversifying its wide range of products and services in order to drive the country’s ongoing boom in tourism and economic development.
The airline’s hub is located at Bandaranaike International Airport in Colombo, providing convenient connections to its global route network of 60 destinations in 33 countries in Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Far East, North America and Australia.
The Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform demonstrates wireless communications across a wide bandwidth of 400 MHz to 4 GHz. The FMC analog front-end seamlessly integrates with Xilinx platforms, and all HDL code and design files are provided.
The talk will explain some basic concepts regarding Software Defined Radio and illustrate them with examples like AM and FM reception. As special application ADS-B (aircraft transponder) reception will be presented. Depending on the available time and the interest of the audience we will go into the depth of ADS-B decoding and the history of aircraft radio transponders. The authors host Metafly which makes heavy use of SDR for transponder decoding.
In today’s show I attempt to introduce the concept of a Software Defined Radio.
Video Rating: 2 / 5
A brief demo of a software defined radio (SDR) using an absurdly cheap rtl2832 DVB-T usb dongle.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
#cyberspectrum on Freenode
Video Rating: 5 / 5
http://www.meetup.com/Cyberspectrum/events/218737038/ Updates @spenchdotnet IRC: #cyberspectrum on Freenode.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Here I have connected to my SDR Receiver over the network and using the audio output of SDR-Radio to capture the Vatican Radio DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale). …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Yonkers, New York (PRWEB) September 20, 2012
MDE Systems Inc, an internationally recognized expert in Model Driven Engineering (MDE) technologies, announced today that Bruce Trask and Angel Roman of MDE Systems Inc. will be delivering a Model Driven Engineering (MDE) Tutorial at the ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2012) on Tuesday, October 2nd 2012 in Innsbruck Austria. More details can be found on the MODELS 2012 Conference web pages, http://models2012.info and http://models2012.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&Itemid=19#T7.
“There continues to be strong interest in Europe regarding how best to apply Model Driven Engineering technologies to help companies and development teams both implement new systems as well as modernize and evolve their existing legacy applications. The pace of innovation happening in the modeling community is staggering and can make the adoption of these powerful technologies daunting. Yet it is through the adoption of these promising technologies that development teams can make huge increases in software productivity and software quality. We are happy to continue giving tutorials at technical conferences and are excited to be invited back to the MODELS series of events,” said Bruce Trask, CEO of MDE Systems Inc.
About MDE Systems Inc. specializes in the development of software for complex computer systems including Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Domain Specific Languages (DSL) and Software Defined Radio (SDR) technologies. More information can be found at the MDE Systems website: http://www.mdesystems.com.
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Barre, VT (PRWEB) October 17, 2012
The Pwnie Express Enterprise Pentesting Appliance (PX-EPA) has the same full tool and feature set as the Pwn Plug and the Power Pwn (previous Pwnie Express product releases) and much more. The expanded horsepower on the PX-EPA provide for the packaging and support of Nessus Server, Metaspoit Pro and Cobalt Strike. The PX-EPA also supports hosting Backtrack, Qualys, nCircle, Acunetix and other products as virtual guest machines. The PX-EPA is hardened as per NSA, NIST, DOD, and DISA guidelines and ships with an encrypted volume for storage of sensitive data. WIFI, Bluetooth and 4G/GSM are on-board with optional support for Zigbee / Zwave, RFID and Software Defined Radios (SDRs). “This is the commercial product designed for more of a permanent deployment. Retail chains, financial service and health service companies need nimble solutions like this to address their ongoing security and regulatory requirements. Security service providers are some of our initial adopters and we anticipate that the state and federal agencies will continue the use of our products.” said M. Anthony Hughes, Director of Customer Development.
About Pwnie Express
Pwnie Express is the premier global provider of innovative, cost effective, rapid deployment penetration testing products. Their products have been incorporated into the cyber-security toolboxes of over one hundred security service providers, several Fortune 50 companies and various federal agencies. They have recently been featured in Wired.com, The information Systems Security Association (ISSA) Journal, Ars Technica, PC Magazine, and Slashdot. The Pwn Plug has been named as the Editors Choice in PC Magazine and Pwnie Express has been named by CIO On-line as one of the 7 hottest security companies to watch. For more information on Pwnie Express, visit http://pwnieexpress.com.
Press kits are available at: http://pwnieexpress.com/pages/press-kit
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Brincadeira do dia no encontro semanal do Sabugosa HC no Parque Santos Dumont: Usamos um Arduino para ligar e desligar um transmissor de rádio segundo as notas da Marcha Imperial. Depois,.
This is a demo of my SDR circuit working via USB to my computer. Various functions are shown and their effects. However.. there are so many more functions an…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
SDR muy potente con sus funciones para rx, puedes observar y escuchar con un ancho de banda de 2Mhz, con su funcion de espectro de toda la banda de hf desde …
Suwanee, GA (PRWEB) December 14, 2012
Advantech AMT Corp. USA, a subsidiary of Advantech Wireless Inc. announced today that it has received new orders totaling $ 1.7 M for its DISA Certified MIL-STD-188-165A, AMT73L SCPC Modem from a major military supplier in the US.
The AMT73L SCPC Modem is part of the Advantech Wireless high throughput, highly reliable and flexible family of Modems that includes the AMT75 which encompasses ASI HD Video, Telco and IP interfaces in the same platform and the FLS-100 that in addition includes IPE allowing throughput up to 155Mbps in these modems. The AMT73L is designed to fulfill two way satellite communication requirements in Defence Satellite Communications Systems (DSCS) and Wideband Global SATCOM System (WGS).
“Once more we have proven unrivalled flexibility with our Software Defined Radio Architecture for our modems, which not only provides high throughput and reliability, but also an upgrade path for the ever demanding application challenges,” states Paul Sandoval, VP Americas. Paul further commented, “We have successfully and uniquely integrated our True SCPC, spectral efficiency and throughput capabilities to our Discovery VSAT platform, which allows adaptive dual waveform from a single appliance SCPC/MF-TDMA (RCS) using our patent pending A-SAT™ technology.”
The good news is that Discovery A-SAT™ can be an overlay to the installed base of AMT73L DISA Certified Modems or AMT75 modems. These SCPC networks could be seamlessly integrated to the Discovery A-SAT™ platform to incorporate also DVB-RCS waveform.
About Advantech Wireless
Advantech Wireless, an ISO 9001: 2008 certified corporation, is shaping the world with leading-edge wireless broadband communications. Since 1988, Advantech Wireless is a solutions provider, manufacturing and deploying networking for broadband connectivity, broadcast solutions and backhaul requirements using satellite and terrestrial wireless communications. Products include: Terrestrial Microwave Radios, Antenna Controllers, Fixed and Deployable Antennas, SSPAs, Block-Up Converters, Frequency Converters, Satellite SCPC Modems and VSAT Hubs & Terminals. For further information please visit the company’s web site at: http://www.advantechwireless.com/news/.
Chasing cubesats
Image by csete
Chasing cubesats on a cold winter day using the Funcube Dongle software defined radio receiver and the Arrow II satellite antenna.
Working 20m softrock 40_R connected to a Macbook Pro 13″ with 96khz internal sound card. Software: DSP Radio.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
In this talk, we discuss the key ideas behind our recent all-wireless open-source implementation of distributed beamforming on GNU-radio/USRP-based SDR platf…

http://spench.net/ @spenchdotnet (http://twitter.com/spenchdotnet) Balint Seeber and Matt Robert discuss what you can do with Software Defined Radio at the D…
FA-SDR Transceiver kit – build by DL2HVM
Image by gynti_46
Sauber aufgebautes " Software Defined Radio" (Sende und Empfänger) durch om Michael DL2HVM
Der Bausatz wird über den Verlag des Funkamateur vertrieben.
Demonstration of the BEEcube BEE3 as an SDR prototyping platform – showing off our FPGA based continuous wideband vector signal generator, controlled by soft…
Through a collaborative effort, the award winning NASA/Harris Ka-band Software Defined Radio (SDR) is the first, fully reprogrammable, space qualified SDR op…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
A few nice software defined radio images I found:
Prof. Xiaoguang “Leo” Liu
Image by UC Davis College of Engineering
The National Science Foundation’s Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) has awarded a three-year grant of 0,001 to a team led by Principal Investigator Xiaoguang “Leo” Liu, an assistant professor in the UC Davis Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). The project, titled “Reconfigurable Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software-Defined Radio Applications,” will be a collaborative effort with co-PIs Paul J. Hurst, Bernard Levy and Stephen H. Lewis, all professors in the UC Davis ECE Department.
More info: engineering.ucdavis.edu/blog/electrical-computer-engineer…
Photo by Katie Lin/UC Davis College of Engineering
FA14_ProfessorLiu-7015 square
Image by UC Davis College of Engineering
The National Science Foundation’s Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) has awarded a three-year grant of 0,001 to a team led by Principal Investigator Xiaoguang “Leo” Liu, an assistant professor in the UC Davis Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). The project, titled “Reconfigurable Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software-Defined Radio Applications,” will be a collaborative effort with co-PIs Paul J. Hurst, Bernard Levy and Stephen H. Lewis, all professors in the UC Davis ECE Department.
More info: engineering.ucdavis.edu/blog/electrical-computer-engineer…
Photo by Katie Lin/UC Davis College of Engineering
Austin, Texas (PRWEB) August 01, 2013
Averna, an industry-leading developer of test solutions and services for communications and electronics device-makers worldwide, announced today the availability of RF Studio for National Instruments Software Defined Radio Platform (USRP), converting the USRP into a portable and cost-effective RF system for the recording and playback of real-world GNSS signals.
National Instruments USRP is an affordable, PC-hosted platform used with NI LabVIEW system design software to build powerful wireless communications systems for research and education. RF Studio is Averna’s proprietary software platform designed to streamline work with real-world RF signals. It provides user-friendly modules for capturing, processing, analyzing, archiving and playing back RF spectrum while also maintaining the signal-recording context.
Working together, Averna and National Instruments teams developed RF Studio for the USRP, an innovative and portable solution to record and play back live RF environments to accelerate RF project work. RF Studio’s LabVIEW compatible plug-in support delivers great value to LabVIEW users as it gives them quick access to a rich toolset for their in-house applications, and supports additional capture sources and customized views.
“RF Studio for the USRP is the only cost-effective and portable product on the market that offers the flexibility to cover a wide variety of use cases, thus making it a very competitive solution for general-purpose RF record and playback,” commented Brendan Wolfe, Director of Market Development for Averna. “We’ve been working very closely with the NI teams to bring this innovative solution to market, and we expect great success from this solution partnership.”
RF Studio for the USRP features:
Record and play back real-world RF signals, up to 40 MHz wide
Capture actual RF spectrum like FM, DAB, GPS, GLONASS, and cellular
Visualize and record weak signals with the Noise Figure view
Advance signal analysis with the Spectrum, Histogram, and Power views
Use simple RF-chain configuration tools to quickly detect and set up the recording environment
DriveView option: Log video, audio and NMEA data at the same time as recording RF
Click here for more information about RF Studio for the USRP.
“The combination of RF Studio and the USRP provides a flexible, affordable solution for RF record and playback. Now in addition to prototyping wireless communications systems in LabVIEW, users can test them by reproducing realistic RF environments in the lab,” said Erik Luther, Wireless Communications Group Manager for National Instruments.
Pricing and Availability
RF Studio for the USRP is available now to customers worldwide through National Instruments’ LabVIEW Tools Network. Contact us at sales(at)averna(dot)com for complete details.
Averna at NIWeek 2013, August 5-8 in Austin, TX
Averna will be showcasing RF Studio and RF Studio for the USRP during NIWeek 2013 in booth 301/307. Please contact sales@averna.com to set up a private demo.
Averna is a finalist for the 2013 NI Alliance Partner of the Year Award and RF Studio is a finalist for the 2013 LabVIEW Tools Network Award. The winners will be announced during Alliance Day on August 5.
Click to Tweet: @Avernatech: Averna and National Instruments Team up to Offer a Cost-Effective Solution for Recording and Playback of RF Signals http://bit.ly/162Qs8R.
About Averna
Averna is a premier manufacturing solution provider for communications and electronics device-makers worldwide, helping them deliver a better end-user customer experience. Key Averna clients in the communications, aerospace, defense, automotive, consumer electronics, and medical device industries use Proligent, RF Test Instruments, and other test solutions to accelerate product development, reduce manufacturing costs, achieve superior quality throughout the lifecycle, and solve critical supply-chain issues.
Averna has offices and sales partners around the world. Incorporated in 1999, Averna is a Best in Test award winner, an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year® recipient, and has been honored as one of the Deloitte Fast 500 fastest-growing technology companies in North America.
© Copyright 2013 Averna. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice.
Averna, RF Studio, and DriveView are trademarks of Averna Technologies.
National Instruments, NI, LabVIEW, and USRP are trademarks of National Instruments.
Tel Aviv and Santa Clara, CA –
Linley Tech Processor Conference – (PRWEB) October 16, 2013 — Gilad Garon, CEO of ASOCS Ltd., will speak at the Linley Tech Processor Conference on October 16th, where he will discuss the inevitable move to virtualization in the Cloud RAN.
The Linley Tech Processor Conference, an in-depth technical conference for system designers, network-equipment vendors OEM/ODMs, and network-service provider carriers, will be held at the Hyatt Regency, in Santa Clara, CA, from October 16 – 17, 2013.
ASOCS, a silicon IP provider of software-defined radio (SDR) solutions, offers a novel approach to Cloud RAN that includes a co-processor with data center servers (such as Intel x86-based servers) to handle multiple communications protocols, significantly increasing network throughput.
“Processor design continues to evolve to address demands for performance and power efficiency. But as processors evolve, evaluating them becomes more challenging for communications-equipment designers,” said Linley Gwennap, Linley Group principal analyst and conference chairperson. “The Linley Tech Processor Conference gathers leading processor vendors to deliver presentations about their solutions for developers of enterprise and carrier equipment. It gives attendees the critical information they need to select the best processor for their designs.”
Please respond by e-mail or phone if you would like a briefing with ASOCS at the conference.
An introductory overview of Software Defined Radio (SDR) is given by Schuyler St. Leger at Desert Code Camp at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. The hour-l…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
A quick test drive of the Quisk software defined radio for Linux using a pre-recorded spectrum of the linear transponder downlink from the HO-68 / XW-1 amate…
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A software-defined radio system, or SDR, is a radio communication system where components that traditionally have been implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Start decoding signals in less than five minutes! For more, visit: http://instant.ettus.com/ Read the full blog post: http://www.ettus.com/blog/2013/02/ettus…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Software defined radio – Vision, Challanges and Solutions, prof Christer
Image by Ross Mayfield
40 m QRP Ham radio contact both stations using 5 Watt power level. Will, K9FO is using a FLEX Software Defined Radio with a Dell Laptop computer keying. NG9D…
http://www.xilinx.com/zynq This video provides an introduction to the Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoCs / AD9361 SDR System Development Kit. The kit provides a…
Harris communications PRC-152 handheld software defined radio startup initialization. Software defined radio for 50-512 MHz comms.
Receive test of a temporary beacon located about 17km away inside the city of Athens, Greece. A homebrew software defined radio (based on the UHFSDR and USB2…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Just a quick video showing my SWL setup using an Elektor software defined receiver. The pc is an intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz system with 4GB ram ATI Radeon HD64…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Digital Down Converter Filter for Software Defined Radio Receiver: Optimization of Equiripple FIR filter using MATLAB, System Generator, ModelSim, Synplify Pro, ISE Software and FPGA
The power consumption in a communication system depends on the technology of the processor and the number of processing stages in decimation part. Programmability in the decimation filter, allows it to adapt to the different channel bandwidths, interferers requirements of the different standards, while maintained the power consumption at a minimum. The appearance of various standards in communication technologies in the world requires a good technique that able to provide a compatible standard r
List Price: $ 86.00
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”365916657X”]
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RF coaxial coax adapter SMA female to RP-SMA male,2pcs
- SMA female to RP-SMA
- package include:2pcs adapters
- DHT electronics Brand is a Registered Trademark of DHT LLC.Only authorized seller of DHT electronics can sell under DHT electronics listings.
List Price: $ 6.80
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[wpramareviews asin=”B00M95MYOY”]
DHT-RF coaxial coax cable F female to MCX male right angle 50CM
- package include:1 x cable
- Cable length:20 inches
- DHT electronics Brand is a registered Trademark of DHT LLC.Only authorized seller of DHT electronics can sell under DHT electronics listings.
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DHT-RF coaxial coax cable F female to MCX male right angle 20CM
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- DHT electronics Brand is a Registered Trademark of DHT LLC.Only authorized seller of DHT electronics can sell under DHT electronics listings.
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Implementing Software Defined Radio
Software Defined Radio makes wireless communications easier, more efficient, and more reliable. This book bridges the gap between academic research and practical implementation. When beginning a project, practicing engineers, technical managers, and graduate students can save countless hours by considering the concepts presented in these pages. The author covers the myriad options and trade-offs available when selecting an appropriate hardware architecture. As demonstrated here, the choice bet
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DHT-RF coaxial coax cable F female to MCX male straight 50CM
- package include:1 x cable
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- DHT electronics Brand is a registered Trademark of DHT LLC.Only authorized seller of DHT electronics can sell under DHT electronics listings.
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[wpramareviews asin=”B00M5Y7KKM”]
Software Defined Radio New Trends for Wireless Transceivers
Several techniques are now being utilized to ensure efficient communications across the jam-packed radio spectrum. Chief among them are SDRs, which enable software to dynamically control communication parameters such as the frequency band, modulation type and data rates. SDR leads to delaying the binding of design decisions until execution time. Hence, the designers can incorporate the latest developments that enable them to improve the performance of the developed systems. Additionally, SDR
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DHT Handheld Antenna Cable for Wouxun Baofeng Quasheng Linton – Adapter for UHF Base and Mobile Antennas – SMA Female to UHF SO-239 Female Connectors 20CM
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- DHT electronics Brand is a Registered Trademark of DHT LLC.Only authorized seller of DHT electronics can sell under DHT electronics listings.
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Pages Of Interest
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- First Portable Solar Setup For Ham Radio – Bioenno Solar Charge Controller SC-4830JUD and ALLPOWERS 100W Solar Charger AP-SP-012-BLA Portable Solar Panel Kit
- For Sale: NOOELEC RTL-SDR with NOOELEC Ham It Up V1.3 – Includes Metal Enclosure And SDR Connector Cable For SDR.
- Ham Radio Deluxe – Last Free Version Available for Download Here
- Ham Radio RFI – How To Track Down and Find RFI and Noise Affecting Your Ham Station
- Ham Radio Satellite Antenna Dilemma – In Search Of A Solution
- Ham Radio Shack For Sale – Two Yaesu FT-991 / Yaesu ATAS-120a / Heil Pro 7 Headset / LDG Z11 Pro Tuner / Yaesu FH2 – Hamvention Sale!
- Ham Radio Station – Kilo Three Triple R – The K3RRR Anomaly
- K3RRR Tweets – Follow Me At @K3TripleR
- MARC Club Station
- MFJ-1786 Loop Antenna – My Stealth Antenna Installations
- Privacy Policy
- QSL Cards Received
- SDR – Get Maximum Decodes When Your Levels Are Right – Software Defined Radios for Digital Communications
- Signalink and Other USB Digital Interfaces Huge Bug Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Technoweenie’s JT-65 HF Presentation – JT65 HF HB9HQX And JT Alerts – Video and PowerPoint
- Terms Of Service
- Update: SignaLink and Other USB Digital Interfaces – Huge Bug + Permanent Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Winlink – HF and VHF Radio Email For Emergencies and SHTF
- Wire Antennas – 287 Different Wire Antennas To Choose From
- K3RRR Yaesu ATAS 120a Antenna Mobile / Portable and Fixed Station
- El Cheapo AZ EL Satellite Antenna
- QTH of K3RRR – Potomac Maryland and Washington DC Area
- Fifteen Milliseconds Of Techno-Weenie Fame
- Personal Profile
- QRZ – Contact K3RRR
Recent Posts
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- 403 CHEAP DIY Homebrew Wire Antennas for Ham Radio
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- Attic AMSAT Antenna – Working the Ham Radio Satellites With A Rotatable Computer Controlled Yagi Attic Antenna
- Cheap Computer Controlled TV Rotor for AMSAT Satellites
- CrimperGate – When the Coax Crimper Jaws Won’t Crimp Close – A Mystery
- First Portable Solar Setup For Ham Radio – Bioenno Solar Charge Controller SC-4830JUD and ALLPOWERS 100W Solar Charger AP-SP-012-BLA Portable Solar Panel Kit
- For Sale: NOOELEC RTL-SDR with NOOELEC Ham It Up V1.3 – Includes Metal Enclosure And SDR Connector Cable For SDR.
- Ham Radio Deluxe – Last Free Version Available for Download Here
- Ham Radio RFI – How To Track Down and Find RFI and Noise Affecting Your Ham Station
- Ham Radio Satellite Antenna Dilemma – In Search Of A Solution
- Ham Radio Shack For Sale – Two Yaesu FT-991 / Yaesu ATAS-120a / Heil Pro 7 Headset / LDG Z11 Pro Tuner / Yaesu FH2 – Hamvention Sale!
- Ham Radio Station – Kilo Three Triple R – The K3RRR Anomaly
- K3RRR Tweets – Follow Me At @K3TripleR
- MARC Club Station
- MFJ-1786 Loop Antenna – My Stealth Antenna Installations
- Privacy Policy
- QSL Cards Received
- SDR – Get Maximum Decodes When Your Levels Are Right – Software Defined Radios for Digital Communications
- Signalink and Other USB Digital Interfaces Huge Bug Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Technoweenie’s JT-65 HF Presentation – JT65 HF HB9HQX And JT Alerts – Video and PowerPoint
- Terms Of Service
- Update: SignaLink and Other USB Digital Interfaces – Huge Bug + Permanent Fix for Amateur Radio Digital Modes
- Winlink – HF and VHF Radio Email For Emergencies and SHTF
- Wire Antennas – 287 Different Wire Antennas To Choose From
- K3RRR Yaesu ATAS 120a Antenna Mobile / Portable and Fixed Station
- El Cheapo AZ EL Satellite Antenna
- QTH of K3RRR – Potomac Maryland and Washington DC Area
- Fifteen Milliseconds Of Techno-Weenie Fame
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