Denise Brown at the helm on a classic tube Ham radio rig. Made a CW contact on 40 meters with a little assistance from N6tlu. This station will always be in the family.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Denise Brown at the helm on a classic tube Ham radio rig. Made a CW contact on 40 meters with a little assistance from N6tlu. This station will always be in the family.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
These proceedings contain the papers presented at the ESO workshop on “QSO Absorption Lines”. The papers summarize the current state of understanding and review the new observations, especially from HST and Keck, as well as the theoretical insights. The different sections address the following topics: damped Lyman-alpha systems, abundances, absorption lines from gas in our Galaxy, metal-rich systems at low and intermediate redshifts, BAL QSOs and quasar environment, Lyman-alpha systems at low an
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Haruo in Japan on 20 meters. 10 Oct 2006. At about 5:10 in he has comments about the Korean atomic testing.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
CX4BW in Montevideo, Uraguay in SSB DX QSOs with stations in North America during an opening on the 15 Meters Ham Radio band. CX4BW was checking propagation on 15 Meters in preparation for the 2010 CQWW SSB contest. These DX QSOs were recorded at ham radio station WE5I with a Yaesu FT-950 transceiver and a Hustler 4BTV vertical antenna. The distance from WE5I to CX4BW is approximately 5550 miles.
Image by Anigwei
Al terrat amb un col·lega intentant un QSO en 27 Mhz
AR Newsline Report 1796 — Jan 13 2012:
Tony Roskilly, G3ZRJ in Herefordshire and Andrew Fairgrieve, GW3OQK in Swansea were in QSO on January 1st when they could hear another signal underneath theirs. It turned out to be an echo of their own signals. Roskilly said the echoes were initially …
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XT2CEFIG on the air Jan 21
The gear will essentially consist of a wide band dipole, an HF transceiver and a VHF station to remote all the QSO to a local radio station. Numerous politicians are expected to attend this event. We hope that many of you will be able to put XT2CEFIG …
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
QSO365 comes to an end
Keith's aim was simple, to have a QSO on the bands every day of the year and he managed that despite a few setbacks along the way, the worst of which was a near lightning strike which destroyed all the radios and computers in his shack!
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
UK amateurs experience echo phenomenon
Tony, G3ZRJ in Herefordshire and Andrew, GW3OQK in Swansea were in QSO on 1 January when they could hear another signal underneath theirs. It turned out to be an echo of their own signals. Tony said the echoes were initially so strong that he had …
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Henry knighted, Hotere joins Order of NZ
Dr James Wharehuia Milroy, QSO, services to Maori language, Hamilton. Martin Colin Snedden, services to sporting administration, Wellington. Ian Lemuel Taylor, services to television and business, Dunedin. The Honourable Frances Helen Wilde, QSO, JP, …
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Warrington Radio Clubs New Yaesu FTDX 5000D first QSO ! Lam Communications provided the new high spec Radio. Clip shot by Paul G7ODJ shows Mike G4VSS the Clubs President operating the radio for the first time. Paul G1DVA struggles against time to interface the radio with the Clubs StepIR Antenna and Logging Computer ready for members to have a go on Tuesday the Clubs meeting night.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Video Rating: 5 / 5