Catalyst: Custom Universe – Consider one of the most perplexing problems of modern physics and philosophy: is the universe fine-tuned for us?

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Einstein predicted them and finally a telescope may have found evidence they exist – gravity waves. And, excitingly, the discovery supports the idea that there may be many universes out there, of which ours is just one. Custom Universe explores the idea that we could be living in a multiverse.

Catalyst, ABC Australia

Journeyman Pictures brings you highlights from the cutting-edge science series, ‘Catalyst’, produced by our long-term content partners at ABC Australia. Every day we’ll upload a new episode that takes you to the heart of the most intriguing and relevant science-related stories of the day, transforming your perspective of the issues shaping our world.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

20 replies
  1. Steel Lingam
    Steel Lingam says:

    Much more likely that we are fine-tuned for the Universe. We can’t know if
    changing the fundamental constants would prevent life.

  2. Martin Moretto
    Martin Moretto says:

    I think the universe probably has come in and out of existence a number of
    times, and we happen to live in the one that balanced itself properly so we
    can be here. There might be some larger combination of forces force that
    makes this happen. But lets face it, there is no easy answer. if there is a
    creator, weather its a higher consciousness or a magnificently superior
    civilization then how did “they or him” come into being? On the other hand
    if the universe its a combination of universes or just one, where is it
    located, or where is it contained? At this point it’s just speculation. The
    Hindus have been talking about multiple universes for thousands of years.

  3. Hellz Wind
    Hellz Wind says:

    “everything” is Intelligence or “Intelligent” ™.. Similar to an infinite
    ‘loop’. I wonder tho: if everything could talk, what would it say, how
    would it speak ?

  4. Tom Palmer
    Tom Palmer says:

    A multi-verse where every possibility exists? Does that mean if quarterback
    Tom Brady threw a screen pass in one universe, he threw a slant pass in
    another universe, and in one universe he threw a touchdown, and in another
    he just throws a long gainer, and in another he threw an interception? Is
    there a seperate universe for every play Tom Brady could use? And a
    seperate universe for every possible outcome to every possible play?

  5. Navibom Bom
    Navibom Bom says:

    Non of the scientists actually did not know exact explains of the universe
    yet!! Everything is just the theory…nothing more… 

  6. Nicolas Perez
    Nicolas Perez says:

    yo guys im high as fuck here it goes. Aliens are running this “Earth” show
    in their home planet. The winner of the show is the first civilization to
    scientifically prove the universe origin. religious folks have been getting
    it wrong for a long time so the aliens are pissed, why do you think the
    most religious countries are doing the worse? Aliens are programming like
    bad codes on their countries and shit to fuck them up. The winning
    civilization will probably get like cheap ass oil for life and shit. 

  7. qarohc
    qarohc says:

    Why interview a bunch of famous secular thinkers and then go out of your
    way to dumb it down for religious nuts?

    The multiverse is interesting enough you don’t need to pile up the

  8. JonnyNice
    JonnyNice says:

    Our decendants went back to the big bang and designed the universe? That’s
    the most ricilulous theory ever.
    I am a fan of the simulation theory though, I think it’s the most likely
    one of all, eventhough it still doesn’t explain where the designer came


    Not even scientists know what the universe is.

    They don’t know how it began.

    They don’t know if properties of known physics are apparent in every part
    of the universe.

    They only have theories, and will never know the truth.

    This isn’t something to be ashamed of.

    It is something to sit back and be in awe of.


  10. darkmath100
    darkmath100 says:

    The evidence for a Multi-Verse is based on testing the light from distant
    quasars. If the light is different then the laws of physics must be
    different. The problem with that assumption is WHAT IF THERE ARE DIFFERENT
    It’s just common sense to expect light from Quasars will be effected
    differently based on what exists between Earth and the measured quasar.
    Common sense is not all that common I guess. So the evidence presented here
    is just plain wrong.

  11. Agent Smith
    Agent Smith says:

    What kind of universe would be most conducive to structures that dissipate
    energy? If it happens to be our universe, what conspired to create this
    kind of universe?”

    Out of my depth here, but it’s fascinating. 


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