On this video we talk about the final modifications my good friend Colhane or Mac has done to my Ontario Pilots Survival Knife to improve its bushcraft performance. Those modifications include grounding off the upper hand guard to allow me to choke on the blade, for instance, and the reprofile of its blade into the convex edge. That gives me a sharp and easy-sharpening tool yet with enough metal on the blade to take harder punches such as havier batonning, which cant be done using the Scandi-grind without the risk of damaging it. I owe it all to my friend Mac, who knows A LOT about cutelary and sharpening, re-profiling blades and metal tools! It´s really great to have the chance and the privilege to (finally!!) learn from such a skillful man how to put a good descent edge on my blades, a basic, crucial bushcraft skill yet a very difficult one to be acquiered by many bushcrafters and outdoor people out there (me included!)!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

24 replies
  1. virtuovice
    virtuovice says:

    Great! You did it very patiently and beautifully. My one is ugly and easy to go dull maybe from the heat of the machine grinding.

  2. Colhane
    Colhane says:


    I had a great time working with you and this knife. Yours actually turned out better than mine.

    We used flat stones by hand for all of the grinding, taking steel off the flat of the upper grind to thin the edge, then put the convex on it with sandpaper over a mousepad.


  3. giutoniolo
    giutoniolo says:

    Thats right Mac! In a few words you explained more about the process then my whole video!! My pleasure and luck to have you around for such an excellent tutorial on sharpening and reprofiling blades! Any decent bushcrafter´s gotta be able to sharpen his blades!! Thanx a lot bro!

  4. pedalpusher101
    pedalpusher101 says:

    Good video Giutoniolo. You got the history right on the knife. My K-bar is no respecter of meat. It is a good tool and should only be used as it is meant to be.

  5. rico522
    rico522 says:

    Wow, good work! You put a great edge on it. I had to laugh at the mother in law’s tongue comment, it was great LOL! Muito obrigado.

  6. babywolf87
    babywolf87 says:

    Thanks to your vids and the noss D test vids on this knife, I have one on order and hope to get it this week. Can’t wait!

  7. envirosponsible
    envirosponsible says:

    I just realized how many videos you’ve made that I haven’t seen yet. I just subscribed to your channel so that’s I won’t have to stay up late watching a month’s worth of videos.

  8. Slicktastyk
    Slicktastyk says:

    So all you did was use sand paper to reprofile the blade into a convex grind? I was a newer Ontario Spec Plus AFSK but is tough to make real sharp because of that bevel at the very edge.

  9. giutoniolo
    giutoniolo says:

    Slicktastyk, we actuallt used a flaty stone to start the grinding process, and afetr we removed that secondary bavel, then we used the sand paper! Thank you so much for viewing my video and your comments!

  10. Slicktastyk
    Slicktastyk says:

    Thanks for the quick reply. So for the stone, do you mean something like a coarse water stone? This will all be done by hand (if that’s possible), not with a grinder.

  11. grayghost222
    grayghost222 says:

    How did you , take off the upper guard. I know you said you grounded it but how? Did you use a grinder or did you use a drimel tool to cut the guard off? Good video, thank you

  12. giutoniolo
    giutoniolo says:

    @1013637 Thank you my friend for your really nice comments and also for your subscription to my channel!! Im really glad that you appreciate this video!

  13. bishop85gt
    bishop85gt says:

    You had way to much fun at the end with the paper. I demand you send me that knife so you don’t hurt yourself by smiling to loudly, PM for address please lol


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