The title says it all! Schems on
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 replies
  1. Scott Harden
    Scott Harden says:

    I could rig something up for ya – sounds like a fun project! The easiest
    thing would be to have it start at some number (say, 500) and have two
    hidden buttons. When you push one button, the number scrolls up (so you can
    set the starting value before the scene), and when you press the other
    button is scrolls down (simulating gun fire and decreasing ammo left) – how
    would that be? It could run from a few AA batteries

  2. Plastic Life
    Plastic Life says:

    Hey man. I’m working on an indie film and I’m making big sci-fi guns. I
    want one of them to have a digital bullet count. Is there a device that
    gives a digital read out of how many times an object passes by it? What
    would it be called? and where would I find it?

  3. st1ngr4y
    st1ngr4y says:

    yay I didn’t have to watch a commercial… oh thanks open source…
    surprised you didn’t know that Richard… adblock plus ftw!

  4. gabereiser
    gabereiser says:

    Awesome job! Though it is more than $10, probably about $15 or so due to
    the box, the segment display and the PCB parts if all bought new.

  5. tHaH4x0r
    tHaH4x0r says:

    It does exactly what you’d expect from the name, it ‘counts’ a frequency
    and displays it on the screen. Frequency is actually the times a signal
    rises and falls in a square, triangle or square wave. 10mHz means that the
    signal goes from high (5v) to low (0v) about 10.000.000 times a second.

  6. Scott Harden
    Scott Harden says:

    Because the enclosure was $3 and the goal of the project was minimum cost,
    and cheaper aluminum cases are not available, and fancy ones are not worth
    their cost for this project. If you find a better source for enclosures at
    minimum cost, let me know! I would be happy to buy some.

  7. Jeff Cooper
    Jeff Cooper says:

    Well done, Scott. Prayers and encouragement for your and your family.
    You’ve built up a very nice microcontroller capability. You’ll find many
    test instrument ideas out on the web (you probably already have). Also
    there are some very cheap AD9850 DDS boards on eBay that you can program
    using SPI from a microcontroller. Please keep building and sharing … and
    Thanks! Coop, AA1WW

  8. Hank Justice
    Hank Justice says:

    Nice counter, but no info on acquiring such a counter. Absolutely
    worthless for duplicating the project, not cool at all. Never mentioned
    really any description of the counter parts. Very thoughtless. Generates
    interest but lousy on info.

  9. Ilja Lebedevs
    Ilja Lebedevs says:

    Doe syour chematic has input protection (overvoltage protection etc)?
    For example would it be possible to meausure RF transmitter frequency?

  10. daklover extroidinaire
    daklover extroidinaire says:

    nice job you are definitely going places in life ,… i wish you nothing
    but the best !!!!

    doug KD2FCH

  11. Giovanniram22
    Giovanniram22 says:

    Where I could found a really cheap homebrew ssb 40 meters qrp transceiver?
    Kit or a schematic but with easy to find materials?


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