Quick look inside a Workman SX-144-430 showing the absolutely dreadful ground connection of this cheap SWR meter. It seems like you indeed get what you pay f…
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On this video I explain how my portable backpack HF radio is made and how it works. The radio set consists of a Yaesu FT-857D, an SGC SG-211 antenna tuner, a…
very good kit ! 73 de iw7ebb/i2
This is great, thansk for doing this. Happy New Years Diego KB3VEW Ron
I really like this manpack. Can you give more information on the metal rack
and the backpack you put it in? I would love to make something like this.
hello to all i had just pass my general exam last month and looking for a
good tuner to start with any suggestions and i had got the yaesu ft-857d .
73 kk6eja
No surprise on cheap stuff.. people producing these have no real idea what
they are doing, just putting stuff together ANY way they can! :-)
did someone build that at home and lose the nuts then try substituting
solder? wow that’s just bad.
That’s one of the most horrible grounding/soldering I’ve seen. Looking
forward to more of your awesome content this year.