This is a side to side test of an old Yaesu VX-7 and a new Baofeng UV-5RC. Sometimes Baofeng’s receiver seems deaf and not able to receive the same signals a…
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Yaesu FT DX 1200

A quick snapshot of the Yaesu FTDX 1200, listening on 20 meters QSO.

9 replies
  1. Slawomir Katta
    Slawomir Katta says:

    I must say it sounds sweet. It deals with floor noise very well. Almost
    like listening to local repeater… Ve3xyd

  2. Slawomir Katta
    Slawomir Katta says:

    I must say it sounds sweet. It deals with floor noise very well. Almost
    like listening to local repeater… Ve3xyd

  3. Robert Steigerwald
    Robert Steigerwald says:

    so tell me my friend, how are you liking the radio so far???? im thinking
    about buying one. also I like the kenwood ts-590s and the kenwood

  4. planeguy3223
    planeguy3223 says:

    The differences could be related to the squelch settings you have on the
    two radios. If you set the Yaesu radio with a more sensitive squelch, it
    would pick it up easier. Your antennas can also play a role in differences.

  5. kpappa
    kpappa says:

    No. In fact Baofeng sometimes and without any reason looses incoming signal
    and receiver remains deaf. It has happened to me quite often. I can’t
    explain why.

  6. Scott A. Reid
    Scott A. Reid says:

    looking at your video of the “test”, seem’s the baofeng is picking up more
    than the Yaseu. A lot more.

  7. Dimitris Ioannou
    Dimitris Ioannou says:

    αγαπητέ φίλε τα test σε φορητά γίνονται πάντα με ίδια κεραία

  8. Krystian Baranowski
    Krystian Baranowski says:

    My mate had to resolder something in his fresh Bao and now it works again.
    Just wondering for how long. I compared prices and hardly used VX-7R for
    $250 was much better choice. It’s a lifetime radio! My mates also noticed
    that they hear me much better than others on chinese toys.


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