Here I show you how you can use a cheap and simple RTL-SDR DVB-T dongle as a quick & dirty satfinder to max out the reception signal of a TV satellite dish p…
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2 and a half weeks ago, I bought this simple DVB-T dongle! It arrived yesterday. SDR means Software Defined Radio, it basically allows you to receive a wide …
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Where did you purchase it?
I can read English but… when I try to write it… is not so easy. Thanks
Yes, there is 🙂
Tiene squelch? En la banda aeronáutica se escucha mucho soplido. I´ll try
it in English: Squelch included? Because Air Baind seems too noisy. Thanks
I hope you understandme
i just got this same dongle,,i dont know how to get it going,,i put it into
my windows pc and it comes up with the receiver but it dont pick up any
signals,,just static,,i dont know how to download any plug ins,,were do you
get them and how do you make this work???there is no instructions on this
anywhere,,just videos like this showing off the dongle,,and that you got it
working but no instructions on how you did it,,thats great you got yours
going,,but why dont you let others know how,,???
I wanted to make a video on it, but I found it pointless, because I used
another video /watch?v=WZijmI3s4Ec, but I used SDR#. Just follow it and try
to get it work. It did not work for me for the first time, I got some kind
of an error, you have to google what the error says at try to fix it. It
was REALLY hard to set up. For example, on my PC it took me like 4 hours,
yet on my notebook, I got no error, it worked flawlessly for the first
time. I wish you luck :/ tell me if you get any error.
what’s the software you were using? Also, in the description you mention a
diode, is that inside the dongle itself? thanks
I hope you enjoy! 😀
It is wonderful and very cheap.
i live in europe, can we use this aswwwell for listening to the police emr
It’s not needed to install Ext_IO. Just download this: Install, then change the driver to WinUSB
with the included Zadig. SDR# will be support RTL-SDR, and you don’t need
to use ext-io and others longer.
Thankyou! You saved me a lot of time! It works!
I am in the united States how are you suppose to watch TV on it?
No problem 🙂
eBay, why don’t you check the descrption
I use SDR#! I think it is better than HDSDR. And yes, it is inside the
dongle! It is there to protect the dongle itself from static that is caused
by wind that is flowing around the external roof antenna, the static can
even be caused by your body when you touch the antenna connector. These new
dongles like mine usually have ESD diodes but some older ones like ezcap
don’t, altrough I have heard that some ezcap’s had ESD diodes. Open your
dongle ant look for the diode near the ant. connector.
Nice, I want to buy one! The stuff at around 1:30 to 2:00 is air traffic
control, does not sound like ham traffic to me.
can watch tv dvb-t mpeg4 with this?
Thank you for the reply! I look forward to having a play!
Yup, it sure is! That’s why I added the annotation.. next to it.. oh…
youtube.. it doesn’t appear.. -.- I’ll fix it! 😀
Hi, I’m planning to get this one for me.But my question is, does it works
on Windows 8?Thanks.
Does it work only with the antenna supplied with it ?
Fraai, da het ook proberen.