Video Rating: 1 / 5

This video was made for a junior electromagnetics course in electrical engineering at Bucknell University, USA. The video is designed to be used as the out-o…
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25 replies
  1. ardrhi
    ardrhi says:

    Oh my dear and fluffy lord…is this guy SERIOUS? Please tell me that this is a comedy routine.

    Mr. Antenna-man, you are a chump. Go back and read the book again.

    There’s a nice page at PSU that explains standing wave ratio with graphics. Try googling it.

  2. Carol Maher
    Carol Maher says:

    Clint Eastwood said it best: “A man has go to know his limitations!” that said, an intelligent person would know his limitations by not posting to You Tube for the fear of making a complete ass of themselves in front of the entire whole world as this guy has! Be forewarned do not trust your radio to be serviced by a shade tree mechanic such as this, find a reputable dealer with an education and experience in electronics. However if you ned your your windshield washed then take it to this guy!

  3. Daniel Baral
    Daniel Baral says:

    You can not be serious…What a dummy. The secret to wisdom is silence…meaning keep your mouth shut and people will not know just how stupid you are…

  4. Bionicworm1
    Bionicworm1 says:

    Every morning I take a bunch of meds, if three are pills then I’d have an input of three pills… How do I measure my output?
    – KA2FBL –

  5. bigpimp347
    bigpimp347 says:

    As a CBer and big player on the bowl,
    this guy is a little confused with SWR

    but his theory is bang on…he’s saying it like it is in real terms no jumped up know fuck all amateur terms..

    listen to what he’s saying and put it into brain dead retards terms and he’s spot on the money..
    try and make it more than it is and you sound like an amateur..

    (i am also a full licenced amateur before you dickhead amateurs start flaming me)

  6. Carol Maher
    Carol Maher says:

    If anyone wants to know the meaning of the dumbing down of America, it is fully explained by your watching the Antenna Man in this video. God forbid should we hear his explanation of VSWR. This is what happens when you deny your children an academic education, yet in some circles he would be considered and authority in his filed. What is even more sad is that two weeks from now he could potentially open a box of Cracker Jacks and becomes a

  7. smilerjeff
    smilerjeff says:

    OK, so whats your callsign ? .. and BTW: even your theory does’nt work with this retard. Pathetic, it’s frightening that some people probably think this EXPERT is and EXPERT !


  8. Tangereandream
    Tangereandream says:

    This guy is talking total garbage, he all wrong. VSWR is VOLTAGE standing wave ratio.
    Where the load IMPEDANCE seen by the transmitter Zl is different from its DESIGN impedance Zt, the reflection coefficient k = (Zl – Zt)/(Zl + Zt) this number (a fraction) gives the power not sent to the load, that ends up heating up your output stage – reflected power. The vswr (S) = (1+k)/(1-k). If your SWR is 1.1 and your output is 10 watts then k = 0.05, you radiate 9.5 watts and 0.5 watts is wasted

  9. Tangereandream
    Tangereandream says:

    continuing. .. for 50 ohm impedance the voltage should be 22.36 volts for a flat line. At an VSWR of 1.1 this means the peaks and trough voltage will be 23.478 volts and 21.242 vol. At 100 watts and 1.1 VSWR, 95 watts forward 5 watts reflected (heating the PA), and the line voltage would be 74.252 and 68.13 volts compared to 71.617 volts for VSWR of 1:1. That is about it ; except current also changes as SWR rises, so you get more ohmic losses “in the cable” as the SWR rises heating it. K

  10. bigpimp347
    bigpimp347 says:

    don’t try and make out your clever being an M1, blimey we all did an RAE..some of us managed a morse test too..

    as for this guy as i said he’s not spot on, but his theory on SWR is right, but everyone tries to go to deep into it..
    as for his input output bit, again, his numbers are example not exact…

    so again his theory is right…
    he’s talking loss, not the ratio as in 1:1 1:5 etc but what the theory is..

  11. 5megawatts
    5megawatts says:

    I have to laugh at the ones that think he is just explaining it in “Laymans” terms!! Not even close! lets look at his first statement that 10W FWD and 2W REF equals 1.2:1 SWR…COMPLETELY WRONG!! 10W FWD and 2W ref is closer to 3:1 SWR. VERY BAD!! Next he says if you up your power to 20W and now have 4W REF, your SWR is now 1.4:1? Your SWR NEVER changes depending on output power! The ratio stays the same regardless of output power! These are not “Laymans” terms, they are uneducated terms!

  12. 5megawatts
    5megawatts says:

    Those of you that believe this guy has ANY idea what he’s talking about, why don’t you let him do your taxes!

  13. Carl Rimmer
    Carl Rimmer says:

    The Antenna Man…you gotta be joking! This guy needs to Google SWR and learn something. This is a comedian, right? I hope he doesn’t have any kids. If he answers their questions with this quality of information, they will be messed up for life.

  14. 1903A3shooter
    1903A3shooter says:

    Man you do not have a clue what you are talking about. You might be good at driving you pick up truck but when it comes to electronics you are on mars. W4GSM

  15. 1903A3shooter
    1903A3shooter says:

    His SWR theory in not even in the right ball park nor is his talk on input out put,
    he as well be talking about how to milk a cow.

  16. John Robinson
    John Robinson says:

    Vertical standing wave ratio : A measurement of antenna resonance, reflected forward power from a transmitter into a resonant load, A measurement of resistive and capacitive loading of a resonant circuit.

    Should i continue ?? He has a concept….The amount of theory required to fully explain it would be pointless. the more watts ya got,the lower ya swrs gotta be or ya gonna make smoke.


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