Testing A sony ICF 5900W and a Hughs Aircraft HF Antenna from a Manpack 30+year old Sony at the Beach in Pecadero Ca, Fun Times
Video Rating: 3 / 5

aprovechando que ha parado de llover por unos dias he podido bajar la antena de HF para reparar el cuadro radiador de la banda de 20 metros que había resultado dañado en los ultimos temporales since it has stopped raining for a few days I’ve had to lower the HF antenna to repair the radiator element 20 meter band that had been damaged in recent storms
Video Rating: 5 / 5

4 replies
  1. EA1GAR
    EA1GAR says:

    Hi Greg, if it were not so I can lower the antenna would be very difficult to repair because it is too big, lol. 73’s

  2. caoz999
    caoz999 says:

    I own the very same radio….inherited it from my grandma, what can I use it for? what are all the SW options???…

  3. orange70383
    orange70383 says:

    Why would anybody thumbs down this. Did they get chased by a Sony monster as a kid. Maybe too many Godzilla movies.


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