Check out these QSL images:
Image by Per Olof Forsberg
A QSO I had May 13, 1974 between SL7BT and UA0YAD.
NOTE: The exclusive Zone 23.
Check out these QSL images:
Image by Per Olof Forsberg
A QSO I had May 13, 1974 between SL7BT and UA0YAD.
NOTE: The exclusive Zone 23.
A few nice Hamfest images I found:
Marathon trailer
Image by GraceFamily
Spell check
Image by Dave’s Domain
scary face
Image by hmmlargeart
Check out these Ham Radio images:
Image by Tammie M3ENF
Image by kc7fys
Photograph taken 3 May 2008 in Kansas by Barbara Reyes.
Image by Marion Doss
Photograph taken 3 May 2008 in Kansas by Barbara Reyes.
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
Image by Abraxas3d
Desktop while working on dummy load
Image by bnp
People sleeping
Image by Hideki Saito
Check out these Hamfest images:
Hamvention 2011 – Dayton Ohio – Hara Arena
Image by rbatina
Random snapshots from my day at this year’s Hamvention in Dayton OH.
With all of the pictures I was taking that day, I never really paid attention to if anyone was *noticing* me taking pictures. *laff* Apparently these two knew. I didn’t even know that they knew until I got home and dumped the camera… I was too concerned with just taking enough shots so that I know I’d end up with some good pictures – and I didn’t even notice the two perfect smiling poses that I was capturing.
Aug 2004 Tokyo Hamfest
Image by kc7fys
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
Image by woody1778a
Image by GraceFamily
A few nice APRS images I found:
Apr 28 201746878
Image by Lake Worth
Bull Shoals Apr 2011 054
Image by G.R. Allen
Blue jay
apr 28 2012 119
Image by AmpuTeeHee
A few nice Hamfest images I found:
Hamvention 2011 – Dayton Ohio – Hara Arena
Image by rbatina
Random snapshots from my day at this year’s Hamvention in Dayton OH.
Sorry for the poor quality… these pictures were all taken with the camera in my GPS unit.
Hamvention 2011 – Dayton Ohio – Hara Arena
Image by rbatina
Random snapshots from my day at this year’s Hamvention in Dayton OH.
Sorry for the poor quality… these pictures were all taken with the camera in my GPS unit.
Check out these ICOM images:
Image by gwendolen
HM-151 Upgrade by AB5N
Image by kc7fys
MCARC Field Day 2014 30
Image by dougbutchy
Check out these ARRL images:
Image by uplinkpdx
Matt tuning his off-center fed dipole for 20 meters
Designed for perfect fit.
It is made of high quality materials to fit your radios. When you drive a car, if your walkie talkie original battery runs out, you can use this product to charge your radios.
Connect the end of a cigarette lighter battery direct card in the machine equivalent battery location; you can use your car power to charge your walkie talkie.
It’s so conveniently and you don’t worry about that your battery energy any more.
High quality, cigarett
List Price: $ 13.99
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B071HPQW4H”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B071HPQW4H”]
Some cool Amateur Radio images:
Image by NASA Johnson
ISS028-E-020718 (3 Aug. 2011) — Russian cosmonauts Sergei Volkov and Alexander Samokutyaev (out of frame), both Expedition 28 flight engineers, attired in Russian Orlan spacesuits, participate in a session of extravehicular activity (EVA) on the Russian segment of the International Space Station. During the six-hour, 23-minute spacewalk, Volkov and Samokutyaev moved a cargo boom from one airlock to another, installed a prototype laser communications system and deployed an amateur radio micro-satellite.
Image by
671B4163: Gym Prior to Opening
Image by ac4lt
New Function:
1. UHF/VHF or VHF/UHF Cross-Band
2. Completely turn off display screen backgroud light
3. Completely turn off flickering indicator light
Frequency Range:TX:136-174.995MHz(FM),400-511.995MHz(FM);RX:108-136MHz (AM Band Receiving),136-180MHz(FM),230-250MHz(FM),350-400MHz(FM),400-512MHz(FM),700-985MHz(FM)
Twin Band Simultaneous Receiving (U-U,U-V,V-U,V-V)
Separate Bands Duplex (U-V,V-U)
DTMF Encoding/Decoding
All Calls,Group Calls and Selective Calls
List Price: $ 235.00
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B06X9V7GLG”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B06X9V7GLG”]
Find More Cross Band Repeater Products
Some cool Ham Radio images:
Bob and Graydon
Image by brettneilson
Bob and Graydon at Net Control
KC0UMZ on a cell phone… wait, this is supposed to be Ham Radio, not Ham Cell Phone!
Image by randyrat
Image by Nothlit
Not much to be heard on 6 meters
Some cool ARRL images:
Image from page 1018 of “QST” (1915)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: qstamer00amer
Title: QST
Year: 1915 (1910s)
Authors: American Radio Relay League
Subjects: Radio Radio
Publisher: [Newington, Conn., etc., American Radio Relay League]
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
Text Appearing Before Image:
te in to the ARRL Communications Department forbooking information. 1) And a Voice Shall Be Heard, 22 minutes, blackand wliite sound. The importance of communications incoordinating the reUef activities of a disaster-strickencity is demonstrated with emphasis on the part played bythe radio amateur. 2) Principles of Electricity, 20 minutes, color sound.This animated film gives individual treatment to the volt,ampere, ohm, etc. The latter portion explains the essenceof magnetism and magnetic fields. Note too the new addition of a slide collection, producedby the Rochester Antique Wireless Association, the objectof wide acclaim throughout the country. Titled The FirstThirty Years of Amateur Radio, the slides and accompany-ing tape-recorded lecture are sure to please old and newclub members alike. Affiliated club officers are urged to fol-low standard booking procedure, allowing ample notice andchoice of dates. Address all correspondence to the LeaguesCommunications Department. 70 QST for
Text Appearing After Image:
The dates for this years Simulated Emergency Test havebeen set as October 8th-9th (see Activities Calendar, Juneand subsequent issues of QST). Now dont say you werentgiven advance notice. The customary bulletin will be in thehands of ECs by the end of this month. Weve been doing some thinking about the SET. Wish youwould, too. In past years, we have been most liberal withdates on each side of the designated week end, and this hasresulted in ability of ECs to combine SET with local ciildefense or Red Cross activities, or pick a date or week endmore convenient for AREC registrants. It has had the dis-advantage of detracting from the nation-wide demonstrationaspect of our SET, about which we are usually called bynewspapers and press associations. The SET is the ARRLs and the amateurs own exercise.It has been conducted every year since 1947, in conjunctionwith whatever agencies the AREC is sering. Naturally,since the Red Cross is and always has been one of the pri-mary agencies to be se
Note About Images
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
2014 HARC Field day (50 of 139)
Image by TheMOX
Field Day 2014 012
Image by ve2ddz
The UHF and VHF preamps were mounted on peg board, covered in a plastic bag and attached to the mast with zip ties.
A few nice QSL images I found:
Conveniat QSL HB9BRU
Image by pewi28
Conveniat QSL HB9BRU
Image by pewi28
Check out these Yaesu images:
Tokyo Granroof @ Yaesu @ Tokyo Station
Image by *_*
No.42 山崎海月「アレ」
Image by shibainu
Some cool Ham Radio images:
Hamcation 2010
Image by PrincessFroglips
vendor floor on the last day
Image by S56OA
Check out these Ham Radio images:
TWENTYTHREE | threesixtyfive “Walkie Talkies”
Image by ortizmj12
I wanted to test out the walkie talkies I had just bought, so I gave the other to Ike. I turned mine on and Ike was already yelling into it!
I love walkie talkies. I would love to get started into ham radio, but there’s just not enough hours in the day