Check out these Hamfest images:
Aug 2004 Tokyo Hamfest
Image by kc7fys
Some cool Hamfest images:
Hamcation 2010
Image by PrincessFroglips
love the sweater! i had to stop her so i could get photos.
Capacity: 2800mAh.
Size: 11.3cm x 5cm x 1.5cm.
Color: Black.
Fit: TYT MD-390, MD-390 GPS.
Type: Lithium-ion Li-ion (Rechargeable).
Capacity: 2800mAh.
Voltage: 7.4V.
Net Weight: 96.2g.
Package included:
10 x NKTECH LB-75L 7.4V 2800mAh Battery.
List Price: $ 219.99
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B01N3PSJLF”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B01N3PSJLF”]
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
IMG_3824: Tom/K4TCM’s Belly
Image by ac4lt
CRW_6984: Howard/WD5DBC
Image by ac4lt
Amateur equipment
Image by Wasabi Bob
Some amateur radio equipment – DenDen town
Some cool Amateur Radio images:
Image by NASA Johnson
ISS028-E-020782 (3 Aug. 2011) — Russian cosmonauts Sergei Volkov and Alexander Samokutyaev (out of frame), both Expedition 28 flight engineers, attired in Russian Orlan spacesuits, participate in a session of extravehicular activity (EVA) on the Russian segment of the International Space Station. During the six-hour, 23-minute spacewalk, Volkov and Samokutyaev moved a cargo boom from one airlock to another, installed a prototype laser communications system and deployed an amateur radio micro-satellite.
CRW_6968: Dan/N0IIU
Image by ac4lt
Some cool ARRL images:
Antenna up
Image by VA5LF
Antenna raised up. Someone forgot to tighten the boom (*cough*Dave*cough*) and so it tilted a bit. Still worked fine though.
MCARC Field Day 2014 42
Image by dougbutchy
80 meter dipole
Image by Howard N2GOT
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
Stepp 6852
Image by km6xo
!77 327/366
Image by Skley
39 to go …
Visit me @ Facebook
A few nice Hamfest images I found:
Hamvention 2011 – Dayton Ohio – Hara Arena
Image by rbatina
Random snapshots from my day at this year’s Hamvention in Dayton OH.
Sorry for the poor quality… these pictures were all taken with the camera in my GPS unit.
Image by michaelstyne
Mac bought a new Alinco HT at the hamfest.
Image by midmichfirefighter
Lower Nose Rib Doubler
Image by Mouser NerdBot
Probably way more massive than it needs to be… but it gets the job done. This’ll let me hang a circular plastic connector panel-mounted right through the lightening hole and sticking out the base of the vertical stabilizer. There’ll also be a second hole for conduit. Both the wire run and the conduit will go up to the fairing, where I may someday install a camera or an HF antenna.
In the meantime, I don’t have to worry about how to run wires through the vertical stabilizier if I decide to mount something up there.
For more details about the construction of the vertical stabilizer, see the build log.
Check out these Yaesu images:
Image by fasteddy760
GranTokyo South Tower
Image by Dick Thomas Johnson
Big & Little
Image by baldbrad
Motorola systems-saber radio overshadowing the much smaller Yeasu VX-6R
Some cool Ham Radio images:
Image by Nite_Owl
Image by Nite_Owl
Backyard Field Day
Image by N0SSC
Spontaneous decision making leads to excellent results.
A few nice Ham Radio images I found:
Image by NASA Johnson
S129-E-007227 (21 Nov. 2009) — Astronaut Randy Bresnik (near the Columbus laboratory), STS-129 mission specialist, participates in the mission’s second session of extravehicular activity (EVA) as construction and maintenance continue on the International Space Station. During the six-hour, eight-minute spacewalk, Bresnik and astronaut Mike Foreman (out of frame), mission specialist, installed a Grappling Adaptor to On-Orbit Railing Assembly, or GATOR, on the Columbus laboratory. GATOR contains a ship-tracking antenna system and a HAM radio antenna. They relocated a floating potential measurement unit that gauges electric charges that build up on the station, deployed a Payload Attach System on the space-facing side of the Starboard 3 truss segment and installed a wireless video system that allows spacewalkers to transmit video to the station and relay it to Earth.
Some cool ARRL images:
Field Day 2009 (4)_17
Image by KI6YVH
View from the Heli pad looking down at the Satalite Comunications station.
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
IMG_4718: Len/KG6ZR Mans the QCWA Table
Image by ac4lt
671B2987: Ann/W4JDF
Image by ac4lt
P044 Scoglio Penna IZ4AKS/p
Image by gminguzzi
P044 Scoglio Penna IZ4AKS/p by IZ7KHR, IZ4AKS 2013-7-12
Some cool Yaesu images:
Gran Tokyo North Tower
Image by Dick Thomas Johnson
Image by OiMax
Yaesu, Tokyo Japan
See where this picture was taken. [?]
Image by zoption
TYT TH-9800 – Professional Automotive Quad Band 29/50/144/430MHz Transceiver
Output Power:
50/20/10/5W (29/50/144MHz)
Some cool Ham Radio images:
aprs terminal
Image by mpechner
the board is a Opentracker + from Argent Data systems
the LCD is a I2C 2 x 16 from
Dry Dock
Image by MattJhsn
Trip to the NorthWest Angle in 2004.
Check out these Ham Radio images:
Image by The Rocketeer
Tower top at sunset
Image by Paul L McCord Jr
Looking down at the front yard from the top of my ham radio tower. This shows the redone roof that was done a couple of days before. 11/20/2005
Part of my Bookshelf
Image by techsavant
A look at just a small portion of my book collection
Check out these Hamfest images:
Image by Rickvg
This photo is from the Great Plains Super Launch symposium 2006. Although not strictly a hamfest, it is a group of amateurs gathered to discuss a topic of common interest, ARHAB (Amateur Radio High Altitude Balloons).
dayton Hamfest 2012
Image by foot fingers
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A few nice Ham Radio images I found:
Image by Michael R Perry
Radiotelegraph Transmitter
Model ET-8023
Output: 200 Watts
Frequency: 2-24 MC
New York, NY
December, 1944
Image by Hideki Saito
Weston Model 301 Plate Voltage Meter
Image by Michael R Perry