A few nice ICOM images I found:
Image by muuranker
MCARC Field Day 2014 149
Image by dougbutchy
A few nice ICOM images I found:
Image by muuranker
MCARC Field Day 2014 149
Image by dougbutchy
Check out these Ham Radio images:
Image by FolsomNatural
My life: My hobbies – ham radio and ukulele.
Image by S56OA
Jim KC0SHZ at the mic
Image by Skweeker
Some cool Ham Radio images:
Those are My Pipes!
Image by deltaMike
On a recent ham radio event, I saw this sign on some pipes. Evidently I have nice pipes.
Image by Jim Rees
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
Image by woody1778a
A few nice APRS images I found:
Image by kenmat
Image by kenmat
Image by anselwu
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
P044 Scoglio Penna IZ4AKS/p
Image by gminguzzi
P044 Scoglio Penna IZ4AKS/p by IZ7KHR, IZ4AKS 2013-7-12
24Jul13 – KU Rockoon Test Flight 1 019R
Image by rbbramlette
KU Aerospace/Physics Joint Rockoon Project
Jim, WA2EWE, 510-13–10-27-92
Image by km6xo
Boy Scout outing with Amateur radio.
Prof. Xiaoguang “Leo” Liu
Image by UC Davis College of Engineering
The National Science Foundation’s Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) has awarded a three-year grant of 0,001 to a team led by Principal Investigator Xiaoguang “Leo” Liu, an assistant professor in the UC Davis Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). The project, titled “Reconfigurable Bandpass Sampling Receivers for Software-Defined Radio Applications,” will be a collaborative effort with co-PIs Paul J. Hurst, Bernard Levy and Stephen H. Lewis, all professors in the UC Davis ECE Department.
More info: engineering.ucdavis.edu/blog/electrical-computer-engineer…
Photo by Katie Lin/UC Davis College of Engineering
The Palstar HF-AUTO 1800 watt automatic antenna tuner covers 160 to 6 Meters with a power rating of up to 1800 watts PEP. Hams have enjoyed the benefits of low power auto-tuners for years, but now Palstar takes it to the next level and offers auto-tuning with a power rating of 5 Watts to 1800 watts. Like all Palstar products the HF-AUTO was designed by Hams for Hams carrying on the Palstar tradition for high-quality products designed and made in the USA. Auto-tuners have been around for years, b
List Price: $ 1,479.95
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B01D0FAM4U”]
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List Price: $ 21.56
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B00YL0SKUW”]
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Related Arrow Antenna Products
Check out these Amateur Radio images:
671B1986: Ron/KG4ICG
Image by ac4lt
CRW_7979: Net Control
Image by ac4lt
Amateur radio from the beach, Santa Cruz island
Image by dnas2
ATU and FT-100, running off a (too) small lawnmover battery.
New Functions
1. UHF/VHF or VHF/UHF Cross-Band Repeater
2. Completely turn off display screen background light
3. Completely trun off flickering indicator light
Old Functions
1. Duplex Work Mode
2. Duplex Work on A&B Areas (TX on one area while RX on the other area simultaneously)
3. Dual Receiving
4. RX on the same/different bands of A&B areas simultaneously
5. Large Colorful Screen
6. Simultaneously Scanning on Twin Band, Scannin
List Price: $ 174.00
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B01JD64LVU”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B01JD64LVU”]
Find More Cross Band Repeater Products
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
CRW_7019: Pete/KG4OJT and Matthew/KG4URU
Image by ac4lt
IMG_5910: Fairfax ARES Display
Image by ac4lt
671B4344: Ray/K2HYD Shows the Beam
Image by ac4lt
Some cool Yaesu images:
GranTokyo South Tower
Image by Dick Thomas Johnson
My new Yaesu VX-7RB
Image by kd1s
The B is for black. I don’t like the silver colored ones. Looks a bit like a stunted cell phone from the days of yore.
Like it though as it’s quad band.
Image by zoption
Check out these Ham Radio images:
Image by Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
Image by Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
Some cool Yaesu images:
#cpbr7 – Dia 4
Image by campuspartybrasil
Resumo do 4º Dia da Campus Party Brasil 7ª Edição – Foto: Willian Alves
Image by zoption
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B00COJXHWS”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B00COJXHWS”]
Some cool APRS images:
apr 28 2012 011
Image by AmpuTeeHee
apr 28 2012 081
Image by AmpuTeeHee
Swans & Nest Barton Mills 19 Apr 09 (1)
Image by Charles & Clint
Some cool Ham Radio images:
Image by Nite_Owl
The 7th Annual Geek Meet
Image by Bytemarks
A geek picnic featuring science, tech, drones, ham radios, solar chargers, cosplay, medieval sword fighting, Legos, solar astronomy and more. Held at Ala Moana Beach Park, Magic Island on June 1, 2014.
North Kansas City Hamfest
Image by N0SSC
First of two hamfests in two weeks, this one was a blast. Didn’t walk away with anything other than some N connectors and a bunch of pictures.
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with Institut Florimont from the ITU amateur radio station 4U1ITU
Image by ITU Pictures
Student from Institut Florimont at the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with Institut Florimont from the ITU amateur radio station 4U1ITU. © ITU/F.Scotti
NorCal Dummy Load PCB
Image by bnp
A close-up of the dummy load PCB. One column of resistors has been soldered on.
Image by Abraxas3d
Repeater site report Palomar Amateur Radio Club
Check out these Ham Radio images:
DDS – Almost Built
Image by P^2 – Paul
This is a direct digital synthesis (DDS) radiofrequency signal generator built around an Analog Devices AD5932, and controlled by an Atmel ATMEGA168.
It’s a kit, available from Doug Pongrance, N3ZI, www.pongrance.com.
It’s intended as a flexible local oscillator for home-brew ham radio receivers, but works just fine as just a general-purpose high frequency signal generator.
Missing just a couple of configuration jumpers here, it’s almost ready for the smoke test.
ECS in final configuration
Image by jnalexander
Some cool ARRL images:
MCARC Field Day 2014 226
Image by dougbutchy
Submarine (closeup 2)
Image by Hideki Saito
A few nice Hamfest images I found:
Hamvention 2011 – Dayton Ohio – Hara Arena
Image by rbatina
Random snapshots from my day at this year’s Hamvention in Dayton OH.
Sorry for the poor quality… these pictures were all taken with the camera in my GPS unit.
Hamvention 2011 – Dayton Ohio – Hara Arena
Image by rbatina
Random snapshots from my day at this year’s Hamvention in Dayton OH.
Sorry for the poor quality… these pictures were all taken with the camera in my GPS unit.
Some cool ARRL images:
Image by GraceFamily
ARRL Field Day Sunday June 29 , 2014 at the Reagan Library and Museum
Image by GraceFamily
ARRL Field Day Sunday June 29 , 2014 at the Reagan Library and Museum
Reproductions Paints on Canvas Without Stretch and Without Frame ,Goya y Lucientes Francisco de Boys Inflating a Bladder 1778 , is for Home Decoration, or Wall Art Decoration, Home Decor. There are fiber canvas, cotton canvas, or linen canvas. And it is also the best gift for your relatives, or girl friend and boy friend.
List Price: $ 28.01
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B00YL2OHJ8″]
[wpramareviews asin=”B00YL2OHJ8″]
Image from page 146 of “QST” (1915)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images
Identifier: qstamer00amer
Title: QST
Year: 1915 (1910s)
Authors: American Radio Relay League
Subjects: Radio Radio
Publisher: [Newington, Conn., etc., American Radio Relay League]
Contributing Library: Internet Archive
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
Text Appearing Before Image:
Me^jU FREED COMPONENTS /o^ HI-FIDELITY AMPLIFIERPROVIDE IMPROVED PERFORMANCE This Freed circuit incorporates several changesfrom the original Williamson circuit to provide op-timum performance at high and low frequency ex-tremes. It is rated at 10 watts with triode connectedoutput tubes. However, by connecting the screengrids of these tubes to taps provided on the FreedKA-10 output transformer, it is possible to doublethe power output for a given distortion percentage. Recommended power supply is choke-input typewith a two-section L-C filter to maintain constantD.C. output and to improve filtering to the voltageamplifiers. Other high quality Freed components Include minia-ture audio transformers, magnetic amplifiers, toroidalinductors, subminiature encapsulated pulse trans-formers, precision filters and a complete line ofprecision laboratory test instruments. Complete cata-logs are available to engineers requesting same onfirm letterheads.
Text Appearing After Image:
Freed components requiredfor this amplifier include:FREED KP-IO POWER TRANSFORMERFREED KA-IO OUTPUT TRANSFORMERFREED KC-10 FILTER REACTORFREED KC-n FILTER REACTOR A DETAILED TECHNICAL SHEET AND PARTS LIST IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST ASK FOR BULLETIN NO. 5402 FREED TBANSFOBMER CO.. INC. 1703Weirfield St..Brooklyn (Ridgewood) 27, N.Y. 141 Be^^ of Your Transmitter to Antenna Matchwith the new CoAx Ratiometer (swr.) Install a CoAx Ratiometer in the line between your trans-mitter and antenna (or tuner) and stop guessing at a propermatch. In this new device, well-established principles areapplied to produce a unique answer to the problem ofmeasuring standing wave ratios. The result is a design ofexceptional accuracy and simplicity. There are no condensors to balance, no resistors in lineto dissipate your power. The unit handles frequencies from2 to 200 MCS, power loads from 10 to 1000 watts (so itcant be overloaded). Rugged construction, but so compactit can easily be permanently installed insi
Note About Images
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.