Contacto realizado entre Aldo CA3MRD y ZDRAVKO 9A6T EN Croacia… Modo digital PSK-63….
Design of a GNSS Acquisition-Aiding Signal
Subsequently, we assessed the performance of the solutions that are acceptable from an RFC perspective with respect to several figures of merit, in particular the following: correlation properties, resistance against distortions due to the multipath …
Read more on Inside GNSS
Commentary: Adjust Rules for NRSC Measurements
Normally I offer tech tips but this time I want to express a personal opinion on a topic important to me. If it is a goal of the Federal Communications Commission to reduce regulatory and financial burden on AM broadcasters, then here is one way to …
Read more on Radio World
FREE-SPACE COMMUNICATIONS: Short-range white-light LED datacom …
Applying QBD in the OFDM coding allows the measurements of receiver photocurrent as a function of time to be analyzed in a way that enables the removal of second-order intermodulation distortion and DC offset. An additional benefit is a 3 dB …
Read more on Laser Focus world
In this video we’ll look at the Heathkit RX-1 Mohawk deluxe amateur radio receiver. We’ll look at the history of the radio, it’s features, and take a look at…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
This is a basic course in Signal Processing at the engineering level, it treats techniques in signal processing as they really occur in major applications, i…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Universal compatibility on the Xbox 360®, Playstation 3®, Wii U, Wii, PC, and mobile devices. Boasts wireless connectivity with all gaming platforms. Include…
This is the Yaesu FT-902DM, Yaesu’s flagship radio sold during the late seventies / early eighties. The radio is built like a battleship, a sharp contrast to…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
IMG_3365: Balloon is Far Overhead
Image by ac4lt
CRW_8881: Richard/WX3SWX and Maria/KG4JBJ
Image by ac4lt
CRW_0023: Joyce/KG4ABD
Image by ac4lt
Members of Congress seek flexibility in FCC's rural broadband requirements
A key element of the CAF II program will be providing fiber-fed broadband services, or some form of a fiber-to-the-node (FTTN) type of architecture using a mix of ADSL2+ or VDSL2 with vectoring to deliver the service over the existing copper connection …
Read more on FierceTelecom
US airborne communication plane could be tracked on the Web for 9 hours …
… callsign, but based on the hex code FR24 could identify it as a Bombardier Global 6000 aircraft, an advanced ultra long-range business jet that has been modified by the U.S. Air Force to accomodate Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN …
Read more on The Aviationist (blog)
Is There a Ma Joad for the Piketty Era?
“Here is the node, you who hate change and fear revolution,” Steinbeck wrote in one of the novel's inner chapters. “This is the ….. “Does it offer a sustained and compelling diagnosis of the terminal pathology that afflicts us, or is it an especially …
Read more on Daily Beast
Video Rating: 0 / 5
A few nice Ham Radio images I found:
Image by Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
Image by Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
Image by Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
Check out these QSL images:
QSL Berlin 1989 International
Image by Douglas Coulter
QSL Moscow 1989 2
Image by Douglas Coulter
QSL Berlin 1989 Wandlitz
Image by Douglas Coulter
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:
IMG_7979: ?, Randy/W4XJ and Virginia/AK4EA
Image by ac4lt
CRW_8874: Leila/WN4PP and ?
Image by ac4lt
Today we build a multi-dipole array that will work on 80-40-20-15 without a tuner. With a tuner, it should load up just about anywhere and might even work. J…
This is Michael KF6WRW, wearing the test psk31 beacon for use in following parachute mobile jumps. We had multiple antenna problems that day.
Video Rating: 0 / 5 @spenchdotnet ( Balint Seeber and Matt Robert discuss what you can do with Software Defined Radio at the D…
My stock Icom 706 MKIIG ran way to hot for my comfort. It would get so hot you almost couldn’t touch it after transmitting for awhile. I did this simple litt…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
FA-SDR Transceiver kit – build by DL2HVM
Image by gynti_46
Sauber aufgebautes " Software Defined Radio" (Sende und Empfänger) durch om Michael DL2HVM
Der Bausatz wird über den Verlag des Funkamateur vertrieben.
J-pole antenna theory and design notions.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
KARA 창설 멤버이신 제이 한 OM님께서 새로이 이사하신 댁에 3 Elements Yagi 안테나가 올랐습니다. 이날 수고하신 회원은 AB6DF, KQ6LV, K6WON, N6PGA, AB6AD, KJ6HRT, NY6KC 님 입니다.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I had to raise it but without the antenna because I’m having obstructing limbs cut down for clearance of the arch radius. I had to get the tower out of the w…
Video Rating: 3 / 5
A few nice Ham Radio images I found:
Image by N5QI
Winner of a New Kenwood HT
Image by The Rocketeer
volt hf bandwidth preppers prepping antenna coax am fm band “walky talky” grid battery ham “ham radio” “radio ham” “radio amateur” “Antenna radio” “ham radio…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
volt hf bandwidth preppers prepping antenna coax am fm band “walky talky” grid battery ham “ham radio” “radio ham” “radio amateur” “Antenna radio” “ham radio…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Voice of America Radiogram on 17860 kHz, from the IBB Edward R. Murrow Transmitting Station, Greenville, North Carolina. This video shows decoding of MFSK-64…
Some cool Ham Radio images:
Looks pretty smart
Image by Karl-Martin Skontorp
12V and 108A!
Image by Karl-Martin Skontorp
Waveguide something
Image by Karl-Martin Skontorp
26.05.2012. –
Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club, Inc. W9ZL Hamfest 2014 November 2, 2014.
Check out these Ham Radio images:
CW Demo Board
Image by The Rocketeer
New products from Kenwood
Image by Karl-Martin Skontorp
Oscilloscope probes
Image by Karl-Martin Skontorp
Over the last decade, computerized antenna modeling has advanced greatly with inexpensive and even free modeling software now available. Modeling, a powerful tool in Amateur Radio, can help you design antennas and optimize their performance.
Antenna Modeling for Beginners is an introductory guide to using modeling software for designing and evaluating antennas. It provides a detailed introduction to EZNEC, the most popular antenna modeling program used by radio amateurs today. With th
List Price: $ 38.95
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”0872593967″]
[wpramareviews asin=”0872593967″]
Related ARRL Products
Working Argentina on 6m. 4/15/2012 @ 2005 hrs zulu. Yaesu FT-857D running 80 watts into a Par OA-50 loop antenna. 5461 miles from my QTH to Tandil, Argentina.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Demonstration of the BEEcube BEE3 as an SDR prototyping platform – showing off our FPGA based continuous wideband vector signal generator, controlled by soft…
الجولة السابعه من دوري نجوم قطر 14/15 وفوز الزعيم على الاهلي 2-1 احرزهما حسن الهيدوس وحمزه الصنهاجي.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Eric, KC8VWL introduces us to the Yaesu FT-2900 mobile Amateur Radio transceiver. For complete details on this transceiver for Amateur Radio use, please see …
Eric, KC8VWL discusses the merits of the quad band FM only Yaesu FT-8900R mobile Amateur radio. For full information please visit our web site at http://www….
List Price: $ 19.95
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”0872599310″]
[wpramareviews asin=”0872599310″]
Today I will show you my Isotron 10-15-20 MultiBand Combo Antenna setup. This is the new setup I will be using for my HF DX communication with my Icom 718 ra…
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Dr Le Fanu's online health clinic, Friday 5th December 2014
What else can I do? I do dread being given strong medicine unnecessarily. Half our older friends do seem really to suffer from this, and alter from becoming happy, normal people to being in such distress that they discontinue their medicine themselves …
Stuff of nightmares: Waking up during surgery
Numbers calculated in different studies in the United States found a greater frequency of one in 1,000 patients. In the new study, the patients self-reported which could askew the numbers. Anesthetic awareness tended to … Jaideep Pandit, a consultant …
The Right Way to Bum a Smoke Off a Stranger
Cigarette bumming by complete strangers is reportedly at an all-time high, plus it achieves peak frequency during the holidays with increased imbibing at parties and get-togethers. A note to bummers: Just because you're a terrible, fraudulent mooch …
Read more on Jezebel
Microsoft Now Accepts Bitcoin Through BitPay
microsoft online Microsoft, the famous multinational corporation that powers much of the world's computing infrastructure with its Windows OS, now accepts Bitcoin online for its digital products. Microsoft users, in America only for now, can even fund …
Read more on CryptoCoinsNews
volt hf bandwidth preppers prepping antenna coax am fm band “walky talky” grid battery ham “ham radio” “radio ham” “radio amateur” “Antenna radio” “ham radio…
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Cutting the cable cord and going back to free TV
What they don't realize, is they need an outdoor antenna to get all the clear crystal channels," said Matteson. Most TV's sold in the past five years or so has a built-in digital tuner for these over-the-air broadcasts. You should be able to receive …
Read more on KERO-TV 23
New Product: End Fed Tuner Kit:
Portable radio specialists SOTABEAMS has introduced a kit version of their popular QRP Mountain Tuner. The Mountain Tuner is designed for use with end-fed half-wave antennas from 40 through to 17 metres. The unique design allows the Mountain Tuner …
Start-Up Promises TV on a Tablet, With No Fees, No Wires
Tablet TV uses a device Motive calls a T-Pod, described in the report as “a palm-size digital TV antenna, tuner and digital recorder. The company hasn't settled on a price, but Fertig said Tablet TV expects to sell T-Pods for between $ 50 to $ 100.”.
Read more on Television Week
VK3AMA with K2NCC 17M Download JT65-HF: Download JT-Alert and other utilities:
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Some cool Ham Radio images:
Image by Andy M Smith
View from the 2 metre station.
Image by Andy M Smith
A bit further out for perspective.
This is a film clip I made of my MFJ-989C ham radio antenna tuner (rated at 3 kW). I encounter major sparks when hit with only 500 watts of power.
Extra heavy duty 60 feet/18m, 2.5m2/32 sq ft wind load rating, aluminum self supporting motorized crank up/tilt over tower. This will carry a HF multiband ya…
I finished my RX Ensemble II Software Defined Radio. Here I am playing around with Winrad and my TS-2000. I am using Ham Radio Deluxe to tie the two together.
This is a short presentation video for the old version (0.3). Some features: – Connect to a Ham Radio Deluxe console over the network; – Directly connect to …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A few nice Ham Radio images I found:
Image by Associazione Radioamatori Italiani
Fall brings a New Antenna
Image by – jre –
My Father got his new tower up just in time for the cold season
antenna idea
Image by N0SSC
Best drawing ever. I’m setting my HF station back up more permanently this time.
ham radio single side band radio contest 10 Meter contact with LT1F on 28.458 this afternoon March 30 2008 2300 UTC. GOOGLE “UTC TIME” to see what time it is…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A short demo video showing reception of wide band broadcast FM using Gqrx SDR and comparing the Funcube Dongle (96 ksps) with an RTL2832U-based DVB-T dongle …
Communication Engineering by Prof. Surendra pal sir 1 Introduction to Communication Engineering 2 Amplitude Modulation 3 Amplitude Modulation (Contd.) 4 Sing…
QRP by the Bay
If you're into QRP, homebrewing and HF antennas don't miss Melbourne's QRP by the Bay. Enthusiastic amateurs will gather on Chelsea beach and work the world with simple antennas. If you've just got your ham ticket and haven't done much HF, it's a great
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Account Manager – RF/HF Simulation – South England
My client is seeking an Account Manager with extensive sales experience to cover the southern part of the UK. This person should have a strong sales background with good knowledge of RF/High Frequency simulation software. Candidates must be able to …
Nooelec rtl-sdr Turnstile antenna (137mhz) 145.875 MHz — 145.925 MHz USB/CW (Dutch PE1RAH Transponder) 145.870 MHz — 145.930 MHz USB/CW (Indian Transponder…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Model: 6Y120M0 Code: YAR511W0 Capacity: 120GB Main Chip #: 040119500 What this board is supposed to do for you: If your hard drive has stopped working, chances are you have some important data stored on it. Sometimes the hard drive failure is caused by a circuit board failure. This product is made to be an identical and functional replacement for your circuit board, therefore repairing your hard drive and saving you expensive data recovery charges. Please note that hard drive failures are NOT al
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B005VHMY9C”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B005VHMY9C”]
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Chegou o novo brinquedinho que comprei do EBAY, equipamento de baixo custa para radio escuta. Muito bom de recepção. PU2OAL LUCIANO OURINHOS.
(English) This video was prepared during the 2009 Cabras Island Dx-Pedition – IOTA SA-071 and it displays all infra-structure arrangements to enable the radi…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
nz0z, kd8bqn & n0war portable HF setup. testing for N0C special event station.
An air check of my calling CQ CQ on the digital communications mode known as Olivia. The configuration is 32 tones on 1000 Hz bandwidth, on 20 meters. http:/…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Some cool ARRL images:
Split Rock ARA Field Day 2007
Image by bigtowers20
Split Rock Amateur Radio Association ARRL Field Day 2007
Horseshoe Lake, Roxbury Township, NJ
Split Rock ARA Field Day 2007
Image by bigtowers20
Split Rock Amateur Radio Association ARRL Field Day 2007
Horseshoe Lake, Roxbury Township, NJ
KF9ZA’s Amateur Radio Go Box. A portable 2 meter / 440 self contained and rugged radio go box for emergency communications. Complete list of all the componen…
SDRsharp/SDR# software needs initial frequency calibration while using with R2838U or R2832U with R820T Tuner USB SDR dongle. This is done from the configura…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Received with RTL SDR R820T Dongle and 2 Meter dipole. Decoded with MixW. 1625z 16 May 2013.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Tablo: Another option for cable quitters
We're sorry for your loss. But think of the money you'll save. Your relationship with television might feel hopeless now that you're without "Rizzoli & Isles" and "19 Kids & Counting." We know that. We're here to help. Remember how much you loved the …
Read more on Chicago Tribune
New transmitter extends WLUC over the air signal
Some of the websites are,, and and they allow you to put in your physical address and height of your antenna and it will tell you the where the transmit location are located compared to your home …