Image from page 119 of “The key to Betsy’s heart” (1916)

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Identifier: keytobetsysheart00ives
Title: The key to Betsy’s heart
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Authors: Ives, Sarah Noble, 1864-1944
Publisher: New York : Macmillan
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ughing. My dear, you should not have done this!Terrible things might have happened. I just had to do it, Uncle Ben. Hed problyhave been killed if I hadnt. And you might have been killed, you gallantlittle rescuer. Well, its done now, and Im glad I did it, The Great Storm 99 said Betsy, as she was carried upstairs, put indry clothing and sent back to bed. In the morning the adventurers turned out tobe none the worse for their soaking. But oh, thewreck of the honeysuckle porch, and the flower-beds, and the noble trees whose heads had beenlopped off! Nature had to work hard, with con-siderable help from the florist and the carpenter,to get things back into shapeliness. The honey-suckle porch had its broken vines trimmed off, thesoaked pillows were dried out, and the place gen-erally was restored to order. But Van slept thereno more. His Betsy was better, and the freedomof the house was his again. September came,and with it the glad freedom of out-of-doors, andhis old careless happy life.
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And now the long days of romping with Van were over. CHAPTER IX MORE LESSONS BETSY, said Mrs. Johns, school beginsnext Monday. Would you like to go?Oh, my, yes, Aunt Kate. May I?Certainly. I havent bothered you much thissummer about your studies, for there were somany other important things to learn. But Ithink you had better begin now. Do you think I have enough manners, AuntKate? IOO More Lessons 101 Why, dearie, youve done wonders in thesethree months, and Im going to send you to Pel-ham Towers as a day pupil. Youll meet littlegirls there with good manners and it will help you.How are you in your studies? Do you likebooks? ;I just love em, Aunt Kate, and I took twoprizes last winter term. Then Pa wouldnt letme go any more. He said if I could take prizesI knew enough. I felt awful, at first. But Iguess Ma did need me. She was took—taken—sick pretty soon, and she never did get well any more. Betsy dear, Im sure it was best for you tohelp your mother, and what you did will helpmak
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