Here’s your chance to join a DXpedition! The 3DAØET DXpedition to Swaziland is expected to take place November 18-27 and will include the CQ World Wide DX CW. The team includes members from the 2012 7P8D DXpedition to Lesotho and is looking for additional operators, especially for RTTY. Plans call for the team to meet in Johannesburg, South Africa, November 15, and then drive to Piggs Peak, Swa…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Video Rating: 1 / 5

This video was made for a junior electromagnetics course in electrical engineering at Bucknell University, USA. The video is designed to be used as the out-o…
Video Rating: 0 / 5

The ARRL Contest Branch has posted a list of all logs received from participants in the 2013 ARRL Field Day. This list include logs sent via the web applet, e-mail and hard copy summaries. Logs designated “Checklog” are listed as such because the entry did not include the required summary sheet or was missing information necessary to include it as a regular entry. If your entry is shown as a ch…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Single Feed 2m/70cm dual band Yagi.