By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor

The sky is falling, but that could be a good thing or a bad thing, according to this week’s installment of Surfin’.

The trees on my antenna farm are getting out of hand. They are encroaching on my antennas, including the log periodic beam at the top of my 55-foot tower.

I trim what I can with a pole tree pruner saw, but there is a lot of wood up there th…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Roger PY2RGR na parte final do encontro promovido na LABRE-SP cujo tema foi PSK-31, neste trecho foi abordada a construção caseira de interfaces para esta modalidade digital usando material de sucata.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The average daily sunspot numbers rose more than 20 points this week — about 20 percent — to 119.4, while the average daily solar flux was up 3 points to 134.7. Sunspot numbers for August 2-8 were 126, 160, 140, 107, 108, 96 and 99, with a mean of 119.4. The 10.7 cm flux was 134.6, 139.7, 138.7, 134, 134.1, 128.5 and 133.3, with a mean of 134.7. The estimated planetary A indices were 16, 7, 7…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

receiver Yaesu Ft-817ND, antenna yagi 3-elements (for 137 MHz) in Moscow: RTTY Hamburg 10100 KHz satellite NOAA-19 137.1 MHz ACARS 131.725 MHz satellite ORBCOMM FM-22 137.7375 MHz Digipeater 144.800 MHz
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The Challenge:

To find the owner of a Yaesu VX-7R handheld transceiver that has no identification and no alphanumerics programmed into it.

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American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Erecting Optibeam 5-20 monobander antenna at my chalet. QTH is Khiran pearl beach, about 100 KM south of Kuwait city. The antenna has 5 elements on 15 meters long boom. The antenna and tower is 30 meters high from ground level and surrounded by salt water from all sides, which make the place very ideal for HF communications. If you hear me on air please call me, I will be delighted to talk to you. Best 73 Barrak Alkhubaizi

Video Rating: 5 / 5

If you enjoy the technical side of Amateur Radio and being on the cutting edge, you might want to take a look at the microwave bands. The weekends of August 18-19 and September 15-16 give you a perfect chance to explore this portion of the radio spectrum with the 2012 ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest.

The contest period for both weekends starts at 6 AM local time on Saturday and runs until midnight lo…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The importance of sponsorship to a DXpedition
While this is where every DX'Pedition tries to get to, there is a LOT of work that has to happen before this is possible! Months or even years before, the event planning starts and permits are requested, equipment assembled and transport both of
Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season has been “busy,” with six named storms since the season began June 1. In May 2012, NOAA forecasters originally indicated a 50 percent chance for a near-normal season in 2012, and predicted the chances for an above-normal season at 25 percent and a below-normal season at 25 percent. But on…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

The Arrl Antenna Book

All the information you need to design your own complete antenna system.

Since the first edition in September 1939, radio amateurs and professional engineers have turned to The ARRL Antenna Book as THE source of current antenna theory and a wealth of practical how-to construction projects. Use this book to discover even the most basic antenna designs– wire and loop antennas, verticals, and Yagis–and for advanced antenna theory and applications. Many of the antennas in this edition benef

List Price: $ 30.00

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”0872596133″]

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[wprebay kw=”ham+antenna” num=”0″ ebcat=”-1″]

Hurricane Ernesto made landfall on the southern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula late in the evening on Tuesday, August 7. The Category 1 hurricane brought heavy rains and winds, but weakened as it moved across land. Due to this weakening, forecasters at the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami downgraded Ernesto to a tropical storm at 5 AM EDT (0900 UTC) Wednesday morning.

Radio amateurs with…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Join The Alexandria Radio Club, W4HFH, for 2012 Field Day from Armistead Boothe Park in Alexandria, VA. This year, the club ran as 7A adding a PSK31 station to the mix and splitting the 40m and 80m phone stations. This year, the 15m stations was completed powered via solar panels and battery using Goal Zero Boulder 30 Solar Panels and a Goal Zero Yeti Solar Generator. Special thanks to the City of Alexandria for coordination of the park facilities.

Two years after Marvin Gin, W6VM, passed away on January 13, 2010, his call sign became available in the FCC’s vanity call sign system and eligible for reassignment to those radio amateurs who hold an Amateur Extra class license. According to the FCC, Mario Vesnaver, W6EX, of Laguna Niguel, California, Steven Greathouse, AC6EA, of Akron, Ohio, and others “filed timely applications requesting mo…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

This image was recorded in about 03UTC on October 14, 2009. It is a pattern of the communication by 17mBAND and a high-speed morse code.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

On the night of Saturday, August 11 and well into the next day, Earth will be at the peak of its annual passage through the bulk of the debris shed by a comet known as Swift-Tuttle. Much of the debris is composed of dust-sized grains, but when these fragments come plunging into our atmosphere they can create a dazzling meteor display. Not only are the meteors fascinating to watch, they also lea…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

SCS Pactor II/III Radio Modem: PTC-IIusb Modem w/ Pactor-III upgrade

The most effective data transmission over SSB. Features USB support, transceiver control, and GPS connection. Multimode-controller for Pactor-III, Pactor-II, Pactor-I, AMTOR, NAVTEX, RTTY, CW, FAX, SSTV, AUDIO-Filter, Packet-Radio and PSK31. Data speeds up to 5200 baud. The PTC-II-usb (formerly PTC-IIpro) New in the PTC-IIUSB: New, more powerful 24 bit DSP running at 100 MHz with a computing power of 100 MIPS (max.) 2 MB static RAM. New high quality case. Built-in audio amplifier. Simply connect

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B002Y1KG3E”]

[wpramareviews asin=”B002Y1KG3E”]

At 2 PM EDT (1800 UTC) August 7, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) upgraded Tropical Storm Ernesto to a Category 1 hurricane. Ernesto is located about 185 miles east of Chetumal, Mexico, with maximum sustained winds of 80 miles per hour and moving toward the west-northwest at 14 miles per hour. Radio amateurs with WX4NHC — the Amateur Radio station at the NHC in Miami, Florida — and the VoI…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

These are videos of some of the 2010 Field Day locations that ARRL MDC Section Manager Jim Cross, WI3N, and ARRL MDC Assistant Section Manager Al Brown, KZ3AB, visited on June 26 and June 27, 2010. Video by: E Allen Brown, KZ3AB
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) confirmed that the rover Curiosity — after a 36 week space flight — landed successfully on Mars at 10:32 PM PDT on August 5 (0532 UTC August 6). Built by JPL and launched by NASA on November 26, 2011, the 2000 pound machine features something that radio amateurs are sure to appreciate: Morse code.

If you look carefully at Curiosity’s wheels, you might notice…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

While at NAB in Las Vegas April 2012 I had a chance to sit down with Kirk Harnack, host of This Week in Radio Tech on the network and have a chat. We just chatted about ham radio, Kirk’s learning PSK-31, my Youtube video background and a bit about networking. Fun time, with absolutely no pre-planning! You may watch the entire show at; Also, please watch Ham Nation with Bob Heil K9EID, Gordon West WB6NOA, and George Thomas W5GDX at:
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Demo of LD-1B software-defined radio (SDR) hardware with Winrad SDR software. This was recorded around sunset (5:55 PM) local time, 22:55 UTC on 29 December 2010. The antenna was an MFJ Super Hi-Q Loop which tunes 7 MHz – 21 MHZ. The antenna is horizontally mounted at about 25 feet above ground. The soundcard was an E-Mu 0202 sampling at 192 kHz. The demo begins on 20 meters, with the LO set to 14.0625 MHz and the receiver tuned to some PSK-31 signals around 14.07 MHz. Next, some CW signals, first using the SSB filter followed by the CW filter. The display is zoomed in to facilitate tuning with the narrow filter. Back to the SSB filter, and the LO is shifted into the 20 Meter phone band. Next, the AM filter, and WWV at 15 MHz. Next, 40 meter CW, first using the SSB filter, then demonstrating the CW filter’s capability to separate weak signals from nearby strong signals. Finally, a little shortwave broadcast listening in the “tropical band” This is outside the tuning range of the antenna, so signal levels are somewhat lower than one might expect. For more information about the LD-1B, go to To order an LD-1B, got to The fluctuations in signal level and some of the buzzing and clicking sounds that are heard intermittently are due to retuning the magnetic loop antenna when the LO frequency is shifted. Thanks for watching my videos, and be sure to visit http 73, Pete Goodmann, PE, MSEE, NI9N www

On August 3, the ITU updated its Table of International Call Sign Series to reflect a call sign change for Niue. The island will now have the entire E6 prefix block. Niue — an island approximately 1500 miles northeast of New Zealand — is a self-governing island nation that has been in free association with New Zealand since 1974. Prior to the change, the island used ZK2. According to the CIA …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources ITC (“Save Us God”) captured by Maryland Paranormal Research ® at a private residence in Arnold, Maryland on 24 Jun 2012. Disembodied voices are heard on the P-SB7 (Spirit Box) responding to client’s queries. One possible entity, self-identified in prior investigations as “David”, reveals a spiritual connection to the client. The P-SB7 was set for the AM band with a 250 ms sweep rate. NOTE Some audio portions were reduced in speed to enhance listening clarity. [AUDIO ENHANCED][HEADPHONES RECOMMENDED] [ADDITIONAL NOTE: What sounds like the phrase “Seek the Source” is heard at fairly regular intervals. Due to periodicity, these particular transmissions could represent instances of RFI or Radio Frequency Interference, thus having no paranormal origin nor significance.]

Short video of me setting up getting ready to try and catch the AO-51 Satilite – with my Arrow Antenna, and Kenwood TH-D7.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Using 2 hand held transceiver’s into an Arrow satellite antenna to speak around Europe via AO-51 Earth Orbiting Satellite. My hand held transceiver’s are Kenwood TH7 (UP Link) and Yaesu FT-470 (Down Link). Stations worked from my location – Yorkshire England. 1) IZ3ALU – ITALY 2) F0DIH/p – FRANCE 3) SP9FPP – POLAND 4) ON4CAP/p _ BELGIUM

Son in his first RTTY contest all by himself.

By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor

This week, your Surfin’ conductor considers the reasons why his car radio is acting funny.

My normal Saturday morning mission began as usual: Driving my Subaru with my wife on board to go buy groceries. As we headed north over the top of South Mountain, I tuned the car radio to 102.1 MHz and expected to hear the vintage rock sounds of WAQY.

At that point…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

My Ham Shack in Hawaii. Icom 746 Pro, AL-811 Amplifier, MFJ-962D Versa Turner III, S9 31 Foot Vertical Antenna, Ham Radio Deluxe Software, SignaLink USB, Spotting Software.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

the begining, a birth of a ham shack
Video Rating: 5 / 5

By H. Ward Silver, N0AX

Once the homebuilding bug bites, you’ll be using a whole new set of jargon: acronyms, color codes, numbering conventions, parameters, measurements and more. Here are some questions about the many interesting methods — and short-cuts — we use to describe our electronic components.

1) Which sequence represents the resistor color code?

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Just a little experiment – decoding RTTY from webSDR audiostream using fldigi software. To my surprise it just works.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

On August 3, the FCC announced via a Final Rule in the Federal Register that the cost of an Amateur Radio vanity call sign will increase 80 cents, from to $ 14.20 to $ 15. The new fees take effect 30 days after publication, making September 4, 2012, the first day the new fee is in effect. Earlier this year, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order (NPRM), seeking to raise the fe…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

09.05.2012 10m jt65 qso ur3ctb-ur5xfq (short distanse 220km)
Video Rating: 0 / 5

First DX in JT65
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The average daily sunspot numbers this week were up more than 47 points to 99.3, while the average daily solar flux rose nearly 35 points to 131.7. Sunspot numbers for July 26-August 1 were 77, 91, 108, 79, 106, 116 and 118, with a mean of 99.3. The 10.7 cm flux was 114.7, 123.3, 126.6, 131.4, 136, 139.8 and 150.1, with a mean of 131.7. The estimated planetary A indices were 4, 5, 11, 6, 13, 6 …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 SATA 120GB 120 GB 6Y120M0 YAR51KW0 9500 PCB

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B0028PPKVY”]

[wpramareviews asin=”B0028PPKVY”]

Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 SATA 120GB 120 GB 6Y120M YAR51HW0 1300 PCB

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B0028PQLIU”]

[wpramareviews asin=”B0028PQLIU”]

Video Rating: 0 / 5

Four new poll questions have just been published on the QuickStats page on the ARRL website. Let your voice be heard!

Questions in this month’s QuickStats poll:

  • How often do you use EchoLink or IRLP?
  • What is your favorite HF band?
  • How many Amateur Radio books do you own?
  • Do you prefer to send paper QSLs to your DX contacts directly or via the QSL Bureau system?

Visit the QuickStats page and be sur…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

K6AA Field Day 2007 demonstration of PSK31

Check out these APRS images:


Image by Br3nda

ARI MONZA Associazione Radioamatori Monza

Image by Michele Ficara Manganelli
Sono un radioamatore con patente e Licenza Ministeriale con la sigla IW2NIQ (ex IW2FT

Sono un radioamatore con patente e Licenza Ministeriale con la sigla IW2NIQ (ex IW2FTJ) e questa è una serata in sezione per l’aggiornamento tecnico sull’Aprs con cena finale.

Sono un radioamatore con patente e Licenza Ministeriale con la sigla IW2NIQ (ex IW2FTJ) e questa è una serata in sezione per l’aggiornamento tecnico sull’Aprs con cena finale.

APRS Stream

Image by daveclausen
Tom’s APRS stream from the trip.

Former Serbian Internal Affairs Minister Ivica Dačić, YU1YU, was elected as that country’s newest Prime Minister on July 27. He succeeds Mirko Cvetković, who served as Serbia’s Prime Minister from 2008-2012. Dačić is the leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia; from 2008 until his election as Prime Minister, he served as First Deputy Prime Minister, as well as Minister of Internal Affairs. In M…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources

To reiterate: A shortened verison of the Rotor;using the index or middle finger for the Y3K is merely preference. I’m gonna try taking a shot at the real deal later on. Once again props to BaliBowler for the Rotor (and inadvertent inspiration for the Y3K).
Video Rating: 3 / 5

put a new flex fan on the linearone suburban. solved a balance issue I had with the stock fan.

Saying that it believes that the Amateur Service “allows flexibility to provide emergency communications in a way that takes into account channel availability and other local conditions,” the FCC denied a Petition for Rulemaking to create a nationwide emergency calling frequency. The Petition — filed by Bryan Boyle, WB0YLE, of Morrisville, Pennsylvania, and Jim Dixon, WB6NIL, of Alhambra, Cali…

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources