With the recent upgrades to the ARRL’s Internet system completed, the W1AW EchoLink Conference Server W1AWBDCT and W1AW’s IRLP Node 4292 are now back in service. Amateurs are able to once again listen to code practice transmissions and digital bulletins via the W1AW EchoLink Conference Server.
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-31 19:00:112012-07-31 19:00:11W1AW’s EchoLink and IRLP Nodes Back in Service
The 10-80P is an HF portable antenna system for use within the range of 3.5Mhz -30Mhz continuous! Will work with any HF transceiver, and can handle up to 250 watts PEP! Very simple to use! There is no need for “screw on” type taps like on other portable antennas, this one will tune up and down the band with ease! Also, this one covers 80 meters! Most other portable antennas out there do not. Just listen for the most background noise in your RX, then fine tune with your SWR meter or analyzer. This system is designed to fit any standard tripod with a 1/4 x 20 thread base. You can also use any standard mobile or portable type mount with the 3/8 x 24 thread hardware. Comes with brass whip sections (not flimsy telescopic whip), tripod bracket, counterpoise wire, tap ring and coil. www.pcssales.net
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-31 19:00:062012-07-31 19:00:06HF Portable Antenna System 10-80P North Huron Communications
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Steve Powlishen, K1FO, of Madison, Connecticut, passed away July 28 due to complications from cancer. He was 60. An ARRL Life Member, Powlishen was best known for his antenna designs for weak signal work. His company, Lunar-Link Systems — founded by Powlishen in 1994 — manufactured and sold high-performance amplifiers that allowed more amateurs to experience Earth-Moon-Earth (EME), often call…
This video shows how I made my 6 meter portable dipole using collapsible antennas and PVC. I used a MFJ269 to do SWR testing. To center the hex coupler nut and to keep the epoxy cement contained I used a rubber grommet around the coupler nut. A length of 51 to 52 inches per side will enable a usable SWR over the entire 6 meter band. Now if the band will just open up so I can try JT65 mode on it. 73, N7JFP
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Penuhi Kebutuhan Gula Ramadhan, BUMN Gula Harus Kerja Keras
Sementara, gula-gula PG saat ini tingkat keputihannya masih di atas 120. Padahal kebutuhal riil pasar adalah tingkat keputihannya di bawah 100," kata Direktur Utama spielautomaten PT RNI, Ismed Hasan Putro, di sela-sela rapat kerja dengan Komisi VI DPR RI hari ini … Read more on Jaring News
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00Roberthttps://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.pngRobert2012-07-28 19:00:052013-06-06 05:09:52Penuhi Kebutuhan Gula Ramadhan, BUMN Gula Harus Kerja Keras
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This week, Surfin’ considers another replacement for HyperTerminal and a new blog that digs up the low-down on DXCC entities.
The DXCC Sleuth
I wrote last week’s Surfin’ in response to an e-mail from Rich Holoch, KY6R, who was looking for “an in depth account of the history of the DXCC program.”
I found a few items online and mentioned them last week, but…
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This is the Friday morning “Welcome” session of the 2008 ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference, held in the Chicago area in September. Also see the PREVIEW video. The complete conference is available on DVD at: www.ARVideoNews.com Video Rating: 5 / 5
When the ARRL Board of Directors met for its 2012 Second Meeting July 20-21 in Windsor, Connecticut, it did so with a full agenda. Besides hearing and approving recommendations from its two standing committees — the Administration and Finance Committee and the Programs and Services Committee — the Board voted to hold the 2014 ARRL National Convention July 17-20 in Hartford, Connecticut, the b…
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This is only an audio recording of RTTY activity for instructional purposes. This audio was taken during the ARRL RTTY Roundup of 2010. 14.080 USB 1/2/10 Video Rating: 0 / 5
Friday morning before the inside exhibits I went over to East Hall to check out the only ICOM IC-9100 in the USA! Looks good… around 00.00 I’ll take two!
The 2011 ARRL DXCC Yearbook is now available to all ARRL members as a supplement to the August issue of digital QST. A printed copy of the Yearbook is also available for purchase in the ARRL Online Store.
Contents include . . .
The Year in Review by Carl Smith, N4AA
PJ2/W5MPC, October 10-15, 2010 by Mike Corey, KI1U
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Field Day 2012 Image by hawaii
The ARRL-affiliated Emergency Amateur Radio Club (EARC) "Field Day" event at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, held June 23, 2012.
Od redakcji
Skoro zaś ARRL może chwalić się Hamvention, a DARC Ham-Radio, to możemy i my pochwalić się ŁOŚ w Jaworznie. Impreza ta z roku na rok jest coraz większa i coraz ciekawsza. Trudno w jednym numerze zrelacjonować wszystkie wydarzenia, jakie miały … Read more on Świat Radio
High solar activity produces CMEs and radio bursts
DX News from the ARRL · Space Weather and Radio Hams · Radio switchover decision in 2013 ? Radio Ham in The Register article · Ham Radio featured in Bloomberg Radio interview · 50th anniversary of Algerian Independence contest · Anniversary … Read more on Southgate Amateur Radio Club
Beginning Wednesday, July 25, two special event call signs will be activated to celebrate the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: 2O12L from London, England and 2O12W from Barry, Wales. Both stations will be on the air for the duration of the Games — July 25-August 12 — and continuing through September 9. Organizers hope to make at least 80,000 contacts during the seven weeks that 2O12L…
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www.k2der.com Este es la version beta descargada el dia 4 de julio de la web del autor, en este video muestro a grandes rasgos el uso de la parte de satellite tracking, en videos futuros las demas funciones de la misma, destaco que no tengo rotor azimut y que la prueba fue del funcionamiento del soft. Video Rating: 5 / 5
Don CE3FLO, y estimados colegas y amigos. Gracias a dios varias han sido ya las satisfacciones del equipo después de la reparación, la antena que me prestara Ricardo (CA3PRR) y que fabricara don Nélson Lepe (CE3LLP) no ha dejado de sorprenderme y darme una infinidad de satisfacciones por su excelente rendimiento, en las artesanales condiciones en que la tengo instalada. Posterior a la modificación para medios digitales he ido aprendiendo a conocer las características del software flDigi corriendo sobre Ubuntu “Natty Narwhal”, el programa es realmente excelente y no sólo reúne una destacada cantidad de modos y protocolos, sino que también integra control vía CAT increíblemente valioso para ser usado en Contest, cuenta con verificación de características en la Web, y cuenta con un “Libro de guardia” el que registra localmente y en la web los comunicados realizados. Mi primer contacto más formal lo he realizado hoy con un colega de Paraguay, mis disculpas por el error en el vídeo, al decir que fue con Colombia; se trata de ZP9MCE don Manuel Esteban Codas quien vive en Itapua PARAGUAY. El contacto se realizó a una hora bastante crítica, a las 23:06 hora local la banda de 40 metros ya estaba cerrando y habían largos períodos de QSB. Pero como hay que insistir hasta conseguir el contacto, intenté y en una de esas logré pasar por el ruido y confirmamos el contacto radial en el modo digital PSK-31; en este vídeo transcribo gráficamente algunos comunicados realizados al momento en …
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-23 07:00:242012-07-23 07:00:24Mis primeros QSO en modos digitales
In last week’s Solar Update, we reported a blast of energy from a solar flare headed our way, predicted to arrive on Saturday, July 14. The CME hit at 1800 UTC, and it had a huge effect on propagation and geomagnetic indices. The next day, the planetary A index was 60, the mid latitude A index was 39 and the high latitude college A index was 88. Conditions haven’t been that upset since March 9,…
Per Enge [Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University] Abstract: These days, GPS is used by all of us, and our application space is partially spanned by the following far-flung examples. Several hundred million GPS chip sets were shipped as part of cell phones last year, where they added about to the bill or materials. These will support consumer applications like location specific advertising. The same chip sets will save lives when associated with an emergency call from a distressed citizen. In addition, GPS is included in every new Boeing or Airbus jet, and these receivers cost over 000 each. The cost is dominated by the non-recurring cost associated with certifying a receiver for navigation at night or in bad weather. These GPS applications include location transactions of high value. The value may be economic or safety related. As this trend continues, the conspicuous vulnerabilities of GPS become more important. The GPS signals originate in medium earth orbits. After they have completed their 20000 kilometer journey to Earth, they have a received signal power of approximately 10^(-16) Watts (-160 dBW). These signals can be readily overwhelmed by inband transmissions from terrestrial sources. This radio frequency interference (RFI) can be scheduled (for military testing), accidental (eg harmonics from broadcast television), or malevolent. Malevolent RFI is also known as jamming and is routine for the modern car thief. GPS signals can also be …
Problem manifest itself in the moment after you release push to talk button and station don’t stop to transmitting. This is specifically for 2 meters band and not for 70 centimeters. You can see interesting videos on Youtube how to fix it with soldering capacitor on switch in the microphone housing. This is pretty good solution. I’ll explain why the problem exist and how to fix it on easier way if you are not so good friend with soldering iron. Explanation is easy if you know something about antennas. So, the problem is with RF (radio frequency interference). Why? The length of cable between headset connector and microphone/switch enclosure is 1 meter. In this cable you have one wire for ground, one wire for PTT button, one wire for microphone and one wire for speaker. So when you look two wires – ground and PTT you get beautiful full wave antenna for 2 meter band. You start transmitting and radio waves keep to make noises which radio use like the PTT button is pressed. One solution is to solder capacitor to switch in mic enclosure to change resonant frequency of (headset) wire antenna. Another way is to attenuate RF interference with feritte choke. Putting ferrite choke is noninvasive and pretty cheap solution. Thanks for watching! 73 Tom, 9A5TOM
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Cupertino fireworks finale. Most video shots were (camera sideways) launch site to sky. Video captured with Canon Powershot camera in video mode. Taken from “Bleachers” in support for Cupertino Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CARES) on 7-4-08 Cupertino (California) Fireworks. For more info on CARES, see www.cupertinoares.org Video Rating: 0 / 5
On July 20, the FCC announced that the cost of an Amateur Radio vanity call sign will increase 80 cents, from $ 14.20 to $ 15. The fee will increase 30 days after notice of the increase is published in the Federal Register; no date has yet been set for publication. Earlier this year, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order (NPRM), seeking to raise the fee for Amateur Radio vani…
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MORRIS GOODMAN: Saving print journalism is crucial
There are smart people trying to innovate, and tons of great journalism is published daily, but the financial distress is more visible by the week.” Just one look at the typical American newspaper tells you that … Nevertheless, it is my impression … Read more on Dearborn Press and Guide
My First Marine Radio
Posted July 16 2012 – 05:22 AM. Channel 16 is the official hailing and distress frequency of the Coast Guard. It is used for calling other boats or the Coast Guard. When you make contact with another boat you need to switch to another "working channel". Read more on BassResource.com (press release)
Recent Obsessions: Mariachi el Bronx, 'Metropolitan,' Wonder Girls
Review: Loveless is more in sharp Frequency performance. For just over 80 …. While Whit Stillman's “Damsels in Distress” was a bit of a letdown for fans of the erudite filmmaker, it still had flashes of the writer-director's WASP-y charm and wit. But … Read more on Wisconsin State Journal
Today I was monitoring PSK31 on HF. First you see my FT817 tuned on 2 meter repeater in Zaandam. With my FT-450 I tuned on 15 meter and 17 meter. I heard PE4BAS in qso with a TF3 station. I am using HDR DM780 v4 Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Here I modified an old Radio Shack ground-plane VHF/UHF scanner antenna for better reception on GMRS UHF frequencies (467.xxxmhz) as well as monitoring my counties local fire department which is 151.385mhz. I used standard welding-rod which solders very easily. I made all the radials as well as the verticals elements slightly longer than the original. Sealed the antenna with standard hot glue, to help keep out moisture. Thanks for watching! Video Rating: 2 / 5
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Digital Voice Mode Communications presentation given by John Hayes-K7VE at the SEA PAC convention regarding, ircDDB, ircDDBGateway, STARnet Digital and Analog Repeater Conversion to a D-STAR repeater – Part 4 of 4 k7ve.org k7ve.org
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ARRL policy is made by its Board of Directors. The 15 voting members of the Board are the Directors who are elected by the ARRL members in their respective divisions. The Board meets in January and July, usually in the Hartford area. ARRL members also elect Vice Directors who may attend the meetings. ARRL Directors and Vice Directors are volunteers who work hard to represent the ARRL in their d…
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In January 2012, Leonard Umina, W7CCE, of Gilbert, Arizona, filed a Petition for Rulemaking, asking the FCC to “expand its policy of limited preemption of state and local regulations governing amateur station facilities to preempt private land use regulations such as covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) and rental agreements that limit amateur licensees’ ability to deploy antennas.” …
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I was messing around with my Arduino board and figured out how to make a cheap portable electromagnetic field (EMF) detector. It only requires a led, 3300000 Ohm resistor, and wire. As I approach an EMF the led gets brighter, so I can locate the source. Messing around with the code and resistor values I can change the sensitivity of the device; when I first made the EMF detector I could only find one place to stand in my apt where it didnt go off. I am working on getting a commercial EMF detector that spits out quantitative values so I can calibrate my version and have it do the same on a LCD. *UPDATE you can decrease the sensitivity of the device by making a loop with the antenna. Also the code can be found on my website, aaronalai.com
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The digital version of the August QST is now available to ARRL members. The digital version includes many features not available in the print version, such as:
The complete 2011 edition of The DXCC Yearbook.
Video overviews of two MFJ automatic antenna tuners and the ICOM ID-31A transceiver.
An expanded version of “Remote Radio Control Made Easy,” by John Raydo, K0IZ.
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Automatic Aspect Ratio Adjustment, DVI with HDCP and VGA inputs
Energy Star 5.0 and TCO5.1 Certified, VESA mountable 100mm x 100mm
ViewSonic’s new VA2248m-LED features an LED backlight 22″ (21.5 Vis) thin bezel widescreen monitor with integrated speakers. Mercury-free VA2248m-LED offers full HD 1920×1080 resolution, 10,000,000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio, DVI and VGA inputs, 5ms response time, VESA mountable glossy finish design. The aspect ratio adjustment feature automatically senses the input single and will not stretch a 4:3 signal but instead will position the image in the middle of the screen with side bars. A 3 year war
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-16 07:00:052012-07-16 07:00:05How to program the Yaesu FT-60R Transceiver
AMAZON UK DISCOUNT LINK www.amazon.co.uk Product Description Mitex Security The Mitex Licenced Two Way Radio Boom Headset Pack Powerful 5 watt for increased range & clarity Up to 10km indoor/city use Up to 25km outdoor/open spaces Compact & durable Pre programmed and ready to use from the box Licence form included in the box Included in the box – 1 radio, 1 aerial, 1 charger, 1 belt clip, 1 wrist strap & 1 licence form.Unit Technical SpecificationFrequency range (Preset by Mitex) 403-470MHZNumber of channels (Preset by Mitex) 16CHSpan of channels (Preset by Mitex) 25KHZ / 12.5 KHZStep of channels (Preset by Mitex) 5, 6.25KHZWorking Voltage 7.2V DC +/- 20%Battery Lithium Battery (1100mHA)Working temperature 20? to +60?Frequency stability +/-2.5ppm (-20? to +60?)Antenna Impedance 50?Dimensions 52 x 28 x 100mm (not including bulge)Weight 200g (including Battery and antennaIf you are an individual, small business or club, one licence at £75 gives 5 years service for all the radios you own.
AMAZON UK DISCOUNT LINK www.amazon.co.uk Product Description Mitex Security The Mitex Licenced Two Way Radio 1 Wire Headset Pack Powerful 5 watt for increased range & clarity Up to 10km indoor/city use Up to 25km outdoor/open spaces Compact & durable Pre programmed and ready to use from the box Licence form included in the box Included in the box – 1 radio, 1 aerial, 1 charger, 1 belt clip, 1 wrist strap & 1 licence form.Unit Technical SpecificationFrequency range (Preset by Mitex) 403-470MHZNumber of channels (Preset by Mitex) 16CHSpan of channels (Preset by Mitex) 25KHZ / 12.5 KHZStep of channels (Preset by Mitex) 5, 6.25KHZWorking Voltage 7.2V DC +/- 20%Battery Lithium Battery (1100mHA)Working temperature 20? to +60?Frequency stability +/-2.5ppm (-20? to +60?)Antenna Impedance 50?Dimensions 52 x 28 x 100mm (not including bulge)Weight 200g (including Battery and antennaIf you are an individual, small business or club, one licence at £75 gives 5 years service for all the radios you own.
This week, Surfin’ reaches the 600 mark and commemorates the event numerically.
Let me recount the ways that the number 600 has figured into my radio world.
Bridgeport’s WICC has been on 600 kHz forever — even back when 600 kHz was 600 kc. Bob Crane — of television Hogan’s Heroes fame — came from my hometown (Waterbury, Connecticut) and was a disc joc…
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-15 07:00:092012-07-15 07:00:09New Beetle Radio Removal Quick Video 2
Solar activity rose moderately this week, with the average daily sunspot numbers up nearly 3 points to 120.9, and the average daily solar flux rising more than 28 points to 166.8. There was quite a bit of geomagnetic activity — the most happening on July 9 — when the mid-latitude A index reached 29, the planetary A index was 30 and Alaska’s college A index was 60. Sunspot numbers for July 5-1…
This is my new temporary QTH at Tampere (south-west Finland). I am testing a mobile whip that’s on the window cell. The square-shaped magnetic mount fits like a glove and holds like glue. 20m/10m/2m/70cm/23cm all on the same antenna. I was suprised to hear strong signals on 20 meters, the whip is only 1m long! So apartment dwellers, use your window cells! Video Rating: 4 / 5
NASA Astronaut Don Pettit, KD5MDT, sat down with ARRL News Editor S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA, on Thursday, July 12, for an exclusive interview about ham radio and life on the International Space Station (ISS). Pettit returned from the ISS on July 1 where he served as part of Expedition 31, spending 193 days in space. He first ventured into space in 2002 on the space shuttle Endeavour as part of …
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-14 07:00:102012-07-14 07:00:10Astronaut Don Pettit, KD5MDT, Chats with ARRL
Part five of building a G5RV 10 to 80 meter shortwave antenna. You can do it. Testing for standing wave ratio (SWR) with an antenna analyzer. How does that analyzer work? Video Rating: 5 / 5
Now that the DB18E is constructed and installed on the tower at 45 feet, I check the SWR on all bands. Video Rating: 0 / 5
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-14 07:00:062012-07-14 07:00:06Obtaining A Ham License…step by step…the details you need to know (part 17: Making an antenna).
As the class progressed, my fellow students decided on various projects, but I was having a hard time coming up with something that I found interesting and was within my limited skill set. I built the ubiquitous crystal radio kit in the Boy Scouts and wanted to do something different. Over the first few weeks, Eric kept bringing up an article in the October 2010 issue of QST written by John Piv…
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-13 19:00:102012-07-13 19:00:10Generating More Than a Signal
Not for broadcast-copyright Jeff Tyler. October 24, 2010 2 miles north of Mt Vernon TX. Massive wall cloud in front of us, another forming 90 degrees to our right. Hail core is 60 degrees to our right. Video Rating: 4 / 5
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-13 07:00:052012-07-13 07:00:05Ham Radio Tijeragroup Antenna and Tower By K6EG
WRTC 2014, Inc — host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) competition — will be conducting station tests during the 2012 IARU HF World Championship this weekend (1200 UTC Saturday, July 14 through 1200 UTC Sunday, July 15). Thirteen stations will be set up in the WRTC competition configuration, using sites planned for the 2014 event. Awards will be offered for working the WR…
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-12 19:00:082012-07-12 19:00:08WRTC 2014 to Conduct Station Tests During IARU HF World Championship
AD6IW, Goran working OK1DFC, Zdenek on 1296 MHz with a huge signal by bouncing signals off the moon using the 97 foot Jamesburg Dish in Carmel Valley, California
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-12 19:00:042012-07-12 19:00:04ARRL EME CONTEST FROM JAMESBURG DISH WORKING OK1DFC
How to install a Breedlove Mount stake pocket bracket for cb or ham radio antenna mount on your pick up truck. A solid brass EZ over antenna mount is also shown. Video Rating: 5 / 5
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-12 07:00:062012-07-12 07:00:06How to install a Breedlove ham radio antenna stake pocket mount
On July 6, 2012, the White House released an Executive Order that addresses National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NS/EP) communications functions of the federal government. Contrary to some concerns raised in a few Amateur Radio circles, the Order does not appear to contain any threat to the Amateur Service or its ability to continue support communications during times of emergency or d…
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-11 19:00:102012-07-11 19:00:10Executive Order Poses No Threat to the Amateur Radio Service
https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png00https://k3rrr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/K3RRR-new-logo-K3RRR-K3TripleR-1030x464.png2012-07-11 19:00:062012-07-11 19:00:06Ham Radio Deluxe with CAT cable interface and audio cable to YAESU FT897D on repeater GB3PZ