
A few nice Amateur Radio images I found:

The front display board

Image by alsteele
Here is the ‘naked’ front display. Buttons are already mounted you only need to add the knobs.


Image by ac4lt

Beagle Bone Black as Rtl-SDR front end with gqrx

There have been some vids of people using a raspi for the backend of a Rtl-SDR tcp setup. Sine the pi doesn’t have the horse power to run the frontend I’d th…

this was taken before a nice shefl cloud and massive rain and cloud to ground lighting hit Huntley,McHerny,co,IL. This was filmed with HP 3100 720p HD dash cam and radio your listening to is a corba Lx29 with weather scan! anyway enjoy everyone!!

Video of stormchasing heavy thunderstorms, one supercell, two MCS, with a lot of lightning bolts, two shelf clouds, one very very close hit. Krakow and Pcim – 15/16 August 2010. Film made by MDGN Stormchasers group: MDGN, PawcioKrk, SebastianxD5, Gielciu
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Check out these Hamfest images:

ZENITH AM Alarm Clock 1957 front
Image by Whiskeygonebad
Flea Market (Radio Hamfest) AM Alarm Clock bought in NOT working condition. Tubes are in series and none of the tubes were glowing (internal tube heaters need to heat up to work and in these type of radios they are in a series like Christmas lights) If one is bad they all don’t "light". The tubes are a common type so I checked them all with my tube tester, replaced one bad one (a 6BE6 converter) turned it on and it worked but there is a hum. The main filter capacitor will be bypassed with a 22uF 400v capacitor. Taken with a Canon 20D mixed natural morning light filled in with a flash (that’s why I had to take it off of a bit of an angle: The flash reflection would have been a killer.

Hamcation 2008: Vietnamese Shops
Image by PrincessFroglips
On the drive to hamfest.

Hamcation 2008: Vietnamese Shops
Image by PrincessFroglips
On the drive to hamfest.