3 Foot antenna on the trunk emits corona discharge. The audio you hear is not bleed over in the camera, its the fire modulating and acting as a speaker.

Поднятие антенны ER6A в “Полевой День 2012”
Video Rating: 5 / 5

20 replies
  1. Solo Oleg
    Solo Oleg says:

    Молодцы. только супортная труба должна бытьфиксированой в верхней точке, а не плавающая, и тогда сварка у основании не требуется. на 12 метрах удобно 3 уровня оттяжек.

  2. Alexander Martynenko
    Alexander Martynenko says:

    Обязательно нужно фиксировать две оттяжки на “падающей”!!!
    И думайте о том, кто стоит под мачтой!!! В это раз просто повезло…

  3. dkannegi
    dkannegi says:

    ROFLMAO & LOL, nice video of the talking flame with a CB. So what power were you running to that thing? I am sure the FCC would love to hear from you for making such a good fire starter.

  4. hyvahyva
    hyvahyva says:

    Ahh, okay. I thought you were on a CB channel, and not the 10 meter phone band, as you are. Oops.

    Sick curiosity: what’s the SWR there?

  5. dkannegi
    dkannegi says:

    It is not BS, all you need is a powerful enough radio (I think you can get this starting at the 50 to 100W mark as corona, flames take at least a couple hundred watts), and an antenna that is not rated for the power level or a really high SWR. Funny to look at but enough doing this may cause damage to the transceiver, and you will sound like crap on the air. I dare someone to grab it when the radio is keyed on TX (antenna thief getting nailed by that would be hilirious).

  6. Daniel11977
    Daniel11977 says:

    Exactly! SWR is about 2.5 to 1. The wire seems to melt at about 1cm every minute of use approximately. The amp used to do this is a TX-800, 1×2290 x 4×2879, about 400 watts carrier on AM.

  7. Daniel11977
    Daniel11977 says:

    About 400 watts is required to start the flame. I have to go to AM to allow for the audio to be heard, to modulate the flame. PEP power is probably around 800 watts or so.

  8. elixeroflife
    elixeroflife says:

    Now is the camera Mic recording that audio through talk back? or is the radio bleeding into the audio circuts of the camera??


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