
Let's Save a Vital National Media Resource: AM Radio
It has been all too easy for the receiver manufacturers to simply reduce overall receiver bandwidths down to even 2–3 kHz to address the pervasive issues of electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise from power lines, fluorescent-lamp ballasts, personal …
Read more on Radio World

Tailored flexible illusion coatings hide objects from detection
… tags work or could redistribute energy in different, controlled patterns making things more visible rather than less visible. The materials shielding ability can also be used to protect any type of equipment from stray or intentional …
Read more on Nanowerk

Ham radio users could be vital resource in emergency: Group reforming in
Bradford Era
Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is a well-known hobby, but it can also be also a major public service. They have the equipment needed, in case all other communication fails. In fact, operators can exchange information with others operators

ham amateur radio – Google News

Ham radio users could be vital resource in emergency: Group reforming in
Bradford Era
Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is a well-known hobby, but it can also be also a major public service. They have the equipment needed, in case all other communication fails. In fact, operators can exchange information with others operators

ham amateur radio – Google News

In December, the ARRL Executive Committee reviewed grant applications for the ARRL’s Education & Technology Program (ETP), awarding equipment and resources valued at nearly $ 7000 to five schools. Two types of grants are awarded: ETP Grants and Progress Grants.

ETP School Station Grants

Grants for school radio stations are awarded to schools that provide a plan to use Amateur Radio as part of an …

American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources