
Decode APRS with RTL SDR (RTL2832U)

Decode APRS with RTL SDR (RTL2832U) therefore I use the following software: V2.0, AGW Packet Engine, AGWTracker Download Links: h t t p:// w w …
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Saw what superphish did and tried it myself using PDW, Virtual Audio Cable and SDR#. I used an RTL SDR dongle with an FC0012 tuner chipset and was recorded i…
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A follow on to my last video, showing how to use the RTL SDR to decode digital voice with DSD. Links: VB-cable: D…
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Used the SDR-J program ( to decode some Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) radio entirely in software. Some stations like RNZ Conce…
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Decode GSM with RTL-SDR.
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Using the RTL2832U with V.2

The V.2 version of now supports the RTL-2832U DVB-T sticks for SDR reception using TCP. To set up V.2 for a RTL-2832U you will ne…

In this video we look at RTL-SDR. We will Decode Flex 1600 Pager Traffic with SDR#, PDW & VB-Cable. SDR# SDR# (read SDR Sharp) is a high performance Software…
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Listening to some contest stations with the CW decode feature on. Pretty accurate I think you would agree. I find the CW decode easier to get right on the FT…

RGF: Yaesu FT-60R

A short review on the Yaesu FT-60R. Not a very good review. I missed so much and I’m not very happy with it. I may take it down in the future and try making …
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Sofrock Ensemble Receiver decoding DRM from CRI using DREAM software. The softrock ensemble is a great kit SDR receiver that covers the HF bands.
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Me testing out FDMDV low bandwidth digital audio… encoded into and decoded from an audio stream. It worked flawlessly without the audio interference from t…